His sperm has been used to create 36 children: 19 boys and 17 girls from 26 families
Chris Aggeles, a now 39-year-old man from Georgia, has struggled with serious mental illness for much of his adult life. In addition to schizophrenia, court documents show he has had diagnoses of bipolarandnarcissistic personality disorders, and has described himself as having schizoaffective disorder.
He has a history of run-ins with the law, has done time in jail, dropped out of college and struggled in the past to hold down jobs. (He was the perfect sperm donor. Then 26 families found out he wasn’t By THERESA BOYLEHealth Sat., April 9, 2016 THE STAR)
Sperm bank’s ‘perfect donor’ was a mentally ill felon who fathered 36 kids (Rob Quinn 11:00 a.m. ET April 15, 2016 | USA TODAY)
相模原市立総合学習センターでは「現状の環境で可能なプログラミング教育」を目指し、「PC教室の活用」と「教師のスキルアップ」で対応するようである。PC教室を使えば、機器もLANも整備しているし、すべての学校が同じ環境で取り組むことができる。今回プログラミングツールにScratchを選んだのも、視聴覚の研究会等で使い慣れているNHK for Schoolに参考動画があるのと、Webで利用できるからで、いずれもPC教室で無線LANを気にせず72校全校で利用出来るからだ。指導する教師のスキルアップには昨年から取り組んでいる。本年度は72校から4年生の担任1名以上受講者約120名を6回に分けて招集、総合学習センターのPCルームを使い研修を実施した。ほとんどの教師がプログラミングは初体験であったが、「これならできそうだ」と評判は良かった。また、全ての教師がわかるようにするための授業パッケージを整備。指導案やワークシート、研修資料に加え実際の授業の様子を収録して解説を加えた動画までセットに加えた。(ICT環境がなくても「今すぐに出来るプログラミング教育」/相模原市 2017年11月9日 ICT教育ニュース)
A. 性欲は食欲などと同様に本能的なものですから、完全に抑えることはできません。他人に迷惑をかけない範囲で、日常生活に支障をきたさない範囲で、満たしてやればよいと思います。どうやったら満たされるかは人それぞれなので、私は知りません。自分の心の声を聞いてください。極度の空腹や睡眠不足の状態を考えればわかると思いますが、本能的な欲求はある程度は満たしておかないと、勉強を含め高度な活動はできません。(引用元:YAHOO!JAPAN知恵袋 2014/8/12 10:25:23)
Mechanisms of Penile Erection and Basis for Pharmacological Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. K.-E. Andersson Pharmacological Reviews December 2011, 63 (4) 811-859; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1124/pr.111.004515
サウジアラビア政府からの迫害を恐れてアメリカに在住していたジャーナリスト ジャマル・カショギ氏が2018年10月2日に結婚の手続きのためにトルコのサウジアラビア領事館を訪れたまま消息を絶っていましたが、領事館内で殺害されていたことが明らかになりました。サウジアラビア政府は関与を否定していますが、サウジアラビアのムハンマド・ビン・サルマン(Mohammed bin Salman) 王子の護衛など近い立場の人たちが暗殺団としてサウジアラビアからトルコへ派遣されていたそうです。サルマン王子は絶対的な政治権力を握っていますし、公開された情報だけみても王子の意思ではなかったと考えるにはあまりにも無理があります。
Is Saudi Arabia’s MBS really a reformer? | UpFront (Al Jazeera English 2018/03/24 YOUTUBE 22:46)
Mohammed bin Salman’s Saudi Arabia: A Deeper Look (2018/03/21 にライブ配信)
ワシントンポスト紙がカショギ氏が殺害される直前に受け取っていた原稿「Jamal Khashoggi: What the Arab world needs most is free expression」が公開されました。
As a result, Arabs living in these countries are either uninformed or misinformed. They are unable to adequately address, much less publicly discuss, matters that affect the region and their day-to-day lives. A state-run narrative dominates the public psyche, and while many do not believe it, a large majority of the population falls victim to this false narrative. Sadly, this situation is unlikely to change.
The Arab world needs a modern version of the old transnational media so citizens can be informed about global events. More important, we need to provide a platform for Arab voices. We suffer from poverty, mismanagement and poor education. Through the creation of an independent international forum, isolated from the influence of nationalist governments spreading hate through propaganda, ordinary people in the Arab world would be able to address the structural problems their societies face.
‘Bring me the head of the dog’: How the man behind Khashoggi murder ran killing via Skype (Sydney Morning Herald 23 October 2018 — 7:32pm) And, according to two intelligence sources, he ran journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s brutal killing at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul by giving orders over Skype. Saud al-Qahtani, a top aide for Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, is one of the fall guys as Riyadh tries to stem international outrage at Khashoggi’s death. On Saturday, Saudi state media said King Salman had sacked Qahtani and four other officials over the killing carried out by a 15-man hit team. … Qahtani himself once said he would never do anything without the approval of his boss. “Do you think I make decisions without guidance? I am an employee and a faithful executor of the orders of my lord the king and my lord the faithful crown prince,” Qahtani tweeted last summer.
Khashoggi death: How Saudi Arabia altered its account (22 October 2018 BBC)
Theresa May told MPs today: ‘I am sure the whole House will join me in condemning the killing of Jamal Khashoggi in the strongest possible terms’ and added that ‘we must get to the truth of what happened’. She spoke before foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt, who said Saudi Arabia’s official claim that he died in a fist fight was ‘not credible’. (Theresa May condemns Jamal Khashoggi killing ‘in strongest possible terms’ Jen MillsMonday 22 Oct 2018 5:07 pm METRO )
Mr Trump said sanctions were a possible response but dismissed the idea of cancelling a $110bn (£84bn) military order from Saudi Arabia. ”It’s over a million jobs; that’s not helpful for us to cancel an order like that. That hurts us far more than it hurts them,” he added. Saudi Arabia dramatically changed its story on Friday night after two weeks of insisting the journalist had left their Istanbul consulate alive. Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab said he doubted the Saudi explanation. In the strongest response so far by a UK government figure, he told the BBC’s Andrew Marr programme: “No, I don’t think it is credible…(Jamal Khashoggi: Trump changes tone with Saudi Arabia over killing (sky news 11:43, UK, Sunday 21 October 2018)
Amid skepticism, Saudi official provides another version of Khashoggi death (REUTERS CNBC 2018年10月21日15時40分頃 日本時間)After denying any involvement in the disappearance of Khashoggi, 59, for two weeks, Saudi Arabia on Saturday morning said he had died in a fistfight at the consulate. An hour later, another Saudi official attributed the death to a chokehold, which the senior official reiterated.
DUBAI: The instructions of the head of the Khashoggi mission were based on a previous directive to negotiate the return of members of opposition, a Saudi official told Reuters in a report published on Sunday. The source said that the primary reports on the mission were not accurate so they had to investigate further, and that journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s death was a result of a mistake from the negotiation team. The confusion of the negotiation team led them to cover up on the incident, the official told Reuters. The previous negotiation directive didnot require the person in charge to obtain approvals from leadership, the official added. According to the Saudi official’s reports to Reuters, primary findings showed that the death was a result of choking during at attempt to stop Khashoggi from raising his voice. The negotiation team disobeyed orders, abused their authority and used violence, and there are 18 suspects in the Khashoggi case and they are currently detained pending an investigation, according to the official. (ARAB NEWS October 21, 2018 10:26) 太字強調は当サイト
EU calls for full probe, accountability for Khashoggi murder (FRENCH PRESS AGENCY – AFP 2018年10月20日 Daily Sabah) The European Union’s top diplomat Federica Mogherini called for a thorough investigation into the murder of prominent journalist Jamal Khashoggi and full accountability for those behind it.
ISTANBUL (AP) — Turkey will “never allow a cover-up” of the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Saudi Arabia’s consulate in Istanbul, a senior official in Turkey’s ruling party said Saturday after Saudi Arabia announced hours earlier that the writer died during a “fistfight” in its consulate. The critical reaction by Numan Kurtulmus, deputy head of the Justice and Development Party, suggested that Turkey, which started its own investigation amid pro-government media reports that a Saudi hit squad killed Khashoggi, was not prepared to go along with the Saudi version of what happened to the writer. “It’snot possible for the Saudi administration to wiggle itself out of this crime if it’s confirmed,” Kurtulmus said. He also said that Turkey would share its evidence of Khashoggi’s killing with the world and that a “conclusive result” of the investigation is close. (Turkish reaction: we won’t allow “cover-up” in Saudi killing By CHRISTOPHER TORCHIA, ZEYNEP BILGINSOY and SARAH EL DEEB AP 2018年10月20日22:20頃 日本時間)
Jamal Khashoggi case: Saudi Arabia says journalist killed in fight – BBC News BBC News YOUTUBE 2018/10/20
“The case of the disappearance of the citizen Jamal bin Ahmed Khashoggi drew the attention of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at the highest levels, and due to the circumstances surrounding his disappearance, the Kingdom took the necessary procedures to clarify the truth and began by dispatching a security team to Turkey on 6 October 2018 to investigate and cooperate with counterparts in Turkey. That was followed by the formation of a joint security team between the Kingdom and the Republic ofTurkey, with a permission given to the Turkish security authorities to enter the Consulate of the Kingdom in Istanbul and the residence of the Consul, for the Kingdom’s keenness to clarify all the facts, as the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud has issued an order to the Public Prosecutor of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, No. 5709 dated 3/2/1440 H to conduct investigations into the case. The Public Prosecutor has already investigated a number of suspects on the basis of information provided by the Turkish authorities to the Joint Security Team to determine whether any of them had any information or relation to what has been happened related where the information that transferred to the security authorities indicated that the citizen Jamal Khashoggi had left the consulate. In implementation to the directives of the leadership of the need to clearly know the truth and declare it transparently whatever, the preliminary investigations conducted by the Public Prosecution showed that the suspect had traveled to Istanbul to meet with the citizen Jamal Khashoggi as there were indications of the possibility of his returning back to the country. The results of the preliminary investigations also revealed that the discussions that took place with the citizen Jamal Khashoggi during his presence in the consulate of the Kingdom in Istanbul by the suspects did not go as required and developed in a negative way led to a fight and a quarrel between some of them and the citizen Jamal Khashoggi, yet the brawl aggravated to lead to his death and their attempt to conceal and cover what happened. The source added that while the investigations are still ongoing into the case with the 18 Saudi detainees, the Kingdom expresses its deep regret at the painful developments that have taken place and stresses the commitment of the authorities in the Kingdom to bring the facts to the public opinion, to hold all those involved accountable and bring them to justice by referring them to the competent courts in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.” (Saudi Arabia’s full statement on the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi By Hamdi Alkhshali, CNN Updated 0105 GMT (0905 HKT) October 20, 2018 CNN.com) 太字強調は当サイト
sabato 20 ottobre 2018 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia takes necessary measures to clarify truth into case of citizen Jamal Khashoggi, emphasizes to hold all those involved accountable http://www.arabia-saudita.it/news.php?id=900
Former Ambassador : Saudis’ Jamal Khashoggi Story “Absolutely Outlandish” | The Last Word | MSNBC (2018/10/19 YOUTUBE 14:58)
Trump says Saudi arrests in Khashoggi killing ‘great first step’ (Washington Post 2018/10/19 YOUTUBE 1:58) Trump said that he’ll work with Congress on what the U.S. response should be, but that he’d prefer not to hurt American companies and jobs by cutting billions of dollars in arms sales to the kingdom.
Joe And Mika: We Need Nothing From Saudi Arabia (The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 2018/10/19 YOUTUBE 6:15)
13日付のサウジアラビア各紙は、公序良俗や宗教的価値観、プライバシーに反する臆測や偽ニュースを広めた者には最大で禁錮5年、罰金300万リヤル(約9000万円)が科されることをあらためて市民に通知した。これが反体制ジャーナリスト、ジャマル・カショギ氏失踪事件の関連であることは誰の目にも明らかだった。トルコ当局者がカショギ氏は殺害され、それを命じたのはサウジ政府だと主張する中で、サウジの政府関係者やメディアは同国に対する中傷だと否定、ムハンマド皇太子の主張に倣った。皇太子はカショギ氏失踪の翌日に行われたブルーバーグ・ニュースとのインタビューで、カショギ氏はトルコ人女性との婚姻手続きを終えるために総領事館を訪れ、何事もなく出て行ったと話した。(サウジの恐怖体制、カショギ事件で浮き彫りに-自宅でも小声で会話 Donna Abu-Nasr、Vivian Nereim 2018年10月19日 6:18 JST Bloomberg)
Trump Defends Saudi Arabia Against Murder Allegations to Secure Arms Deal | The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
2018/10/17 YOUTUBE
Jamal Khashoggi: Who’s who in alleged Saudi ‘hit squad’ (19 October 2018 BBC NEWS ) Turkish media have named 15 Saudi nationals who Turkish officials suspect were involved in the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi
How Jamal Khashoggi’s Murder Suspects Are Tied To The Saudi Crown Prince | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC MSNBC 2018/10/17
Trump: Khashoggi case will not stop $110bn US-Saudi arms trade – video (Reuters Fri 12 Oct 2018 15.46 BST The Gardian)
President Donald Trump’s Tepid Response To Missing Journalist News | The Last Word | MSNBC 2018/10/12 YOUTUBE 16:24
What Jamal Khashoggi Story Says About US Leadership | Morning Joe | MSNBC YOUTBE 21:13 The president on Thursday said he ‘doesn’t like’ that Saudi Arabia may be involved in the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi but won’t stop arms sales. Trump also noted Khashoggi was not a U.S. citizen.
Saudi Arabia: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) LastWeekTonight 2018/10/14 YOUTUBE 18:10
Jamal Khashoggi: The world demands answers – UpFront (Al Jazeera English 2018/10/12 YOUTUBE 25:21)
What happened to Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi? | Inside Story Al Jazeera English 2018/10/10 YOUTUBE 26:10
Video claims to show chain of events in Istanbul on day of Khashoggi’s disappearance (Washington Post YOUTUBE 3:03) A video obtained by The Washington Post purports to show events in Istanbul on the day journalist Jamal Khashoggi disappeared.
Answering the question that won me the Ig Nobel prize: Are cats liquid? (November 9, 2017 8.54am AEDT •Updated March 6, 2018 7.24pm AEDT Marc-Antoine Fardin, Chercheur en rhéologie, Université Paris Diderot – USPC THE CONVERSATION)
Study into fluid dynamics of cats wins big at 2017 Ig Nobel Prize (By K.G ORPHANIDES Friday 15 September 2017 WIRED)
Cats that behave like liquids, tampons that play music, and other ‘advances’ honored with Ig Nobel Prizes (By Giorgia GuglielmiSep. 15, 2017 , 11:15 AM ScienceMag.org)
18 Cats Who Are Proving They Are Liquids It’s the cold, hard facts. (Posted on November 15, 2015, at 3:15 a.m. Elaina Wahl Junior Animals Writer BUZZFEED)
Cute/Ridiculous Animal Thing Of The Day: Kitten In A Wine Glass (HUFFPOST 07/26/2009 05:12 am ET Updated Dec 06, 2017) ワイングラスに入った猫の写真
つまり、教員免許とかどうでもよくて、単純に先生の頭がよい(学歴が高い)かどうかで、成績を上げる能力が変わるってことです。なんのための教員免許なの?マジで。… これは教職課程をとってきた僕自身の感想ですが、優秀な人ほど、教員免許を取って新卒で教員になる選択肢を取らなくなるような気がします。… 逆に、「こいつには絶対に教員にはなってほしくないな」という人が先生になっていくのです。… 前者のような卒業生が、あとから教員になるっていうならいいのですが、非常に難しいです。もし、教員免許を学部中にとらなかったら、よっぽどお金に余裕がない限り、教員になることは不可能です。通信教育を使いながら、教員免許を取得するための単位をとることはなんとかできますが、働きながら教育実習に3週間いき、さらに介護等体験に2週間はいくことはほぼ不可能です。… くそみたいな免許は持ってるけど能力ありませんみたいな教師ばかりが先生になってしまう流れを変えなければなりません。教員免許取得の壁を低くして、もっと高学歴優秀層がちょちょっと教員に転職できるような環境を作らないと、やばいです。… 教員免許の規制緩和して、もっと別の枠組みを用意してくれないかと思います。(教員免許の必要性を全く感じない件について Review of My Life 2017-01-24)
私が教えを受けた高校や大学の先生の中で,今でも記憶に残っているのは,やはり,その科目や専門分野を先生自身が面白くまた大好きだと思っているような先生方である.そのような先生方の授業には,情熱があったし,そのことに刺激や感銘を受けたものであった.教育において最も大事なのは,そのような情熱ではないだろうか.博士号を取るまでに至った人は,皆このような情熱を持っている.博士号を取るためには,何年にもわたって身も心も研究に捧げ尽くすことが必要であり,それは情熱なくしてはできないからだ.だからこそ,そういう人はいい教師になれると思うのである.(博士号取得者が高校教師になるということ A Day in the Life 2013/03/27 09:29 )
My second life as a high school teacher By William H. WallerJan. 11, 2018 , 2:00 PM ScienceMag.org
How I Became a High School Science Teacher and Found My Calling (Will Hooper. By All Star Staff. Mar 6, 2018 | Careers, Interviews alleducationschools.com)