のようになることが多いようです。ofとforの使い分けは前後の言葉や文脈で決まるため、一つの文章中で両方が混在することが普通に起こります。未知か既知かというニュアンスの違いがあるので、一度未知なものとしてa role for~と読者に紹介されたあとは、それ以降、既知になるのでthe role of~と自然に変わるわけです。パターンで覚えるのは無意味で、あくまで文脈に応じた使い分けが必要になります。
A human ESC-based screen identifies a role forthe translated lncRNA LINC00261 in pancreatic endocrine differentiation (文献リンク eLife)
論文のタイトル中では、「翻訳された長鎖ノンコーディングRNA LINC00261の役割」というときにa role forが用いられています。これは今まで知られていなかった役割を見出したという文脈だからforです。
Our comprehensive assessment of functional lncRNA translation identified a likely trans-regulatory role forLINC00261 in endocrine cell differentiation that appears to be independent of the seven microproteins that were individually deleted.
ここでもa ~ role for ~ という形が使われています。ところが、今度は、
To identify potential functional roles of translated lncRNAs during pancreas development, we selected ten candidates for CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing in hESCs through excision of the lncRNA promoter or entire lncRNA locus (Figure 3A,B).
Trans-regulatory roles of LINC00261 have also been observed in previous studies.
These results indicate that there is not one dominant LINC00261 sORF that is required for endocrine cell formation, suggesting a functional role of the LINC00261 transcript and not the individual sORFs mutated here.
In this study, we have characterized the role of translated lncRNAs.(本研究では翻訳される長鎖ノンコーディングRNAの役割を解析した。)
Condensed Conjugation Molecular Physics and Chemistry: Revisiting “Electronic Conjugation” Leading to Innovative Physical Properties of Molecular Materials
“Go To Travel” Campaign and Travel-Associated Coronavirus Disease 2019 Cases: A Descriptive Analysis, July–August 2020 by Asami Anzai and Hiroshi Nishiura (Journal of Clinical Medicine, MDPI)
西浦教授が「Go To トラベル研究」への批判に答える (1/29(金) 8:00配信 m3.com)
Go Toキャンペーン論文がMDPIジャーナルに掲載されたものであったことで、ネット上が騒がしくなったようです。「 MDPIはハゲタカジャーナルか?」に書きましたが、MDPIジャーナルはハゲタカジャーナルだと断定的に言うことはできません。査読が非常にゆるい雑誌が多いことは間違いありません(全てかどうかはわかりません)。査読がゆるいと言っても決して査読者がいい加減に査読しているわけではありません(自分も査読経験あり)。採否を決めるのはジャーナルのエディターなので、査読者が真面目に論文を読み込んで、どれほど厳しい要求をしたところで、エディターがビジネス優先で、「いいよ、いいよ、これで。」と言えば、どんな論文でも掲載されてしまうのです。
We have received the following manuscript to be considered for publication in International Journal of Molecular Sciences
(https://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijms/) and kindly invite you to provide a review to evaluate its suitability for publication:
If you accept this invitation we would appreciate receiving your comments within 1 week. Please let us know if you will need more time.
定員が150人ほどで、お茶の水校にしかないコースのため大変人気となっています。私は後期日程の結果を見てから駿台の説明会に行ったので、希望していた「東大理系演習コース」は締め切っていましたし、代替案としての駿台横浜校の東大理系コースも定員が埋まっていました。(駿台お茶の水校3号館理系コースな一年 簡単に振り返り Posted on March 5, 2020 チラ裏の宝石箱)
きちんと自分のレベルを知ったうえでコースを選ばないと痛い目にあいます。演習コースでも落ちる人は落ちますし、通常コースでも受かる人はたくさんいます。(【浪人経験者が語る】駿台での浪人生活ってどんな感じ?|生活編 LIFE 2020.04.14 2019.05.18)
Active seating, Tic Toc – Fully 2018/04/18 Fully
Designed by our founder and CEO, David Kahl, along with Hans Christian Mengshoel, legendary designer of the Balans sitting concept and original kneeling chair, Tic Toc helps your body find its natural rhythm.
An activating platform is disclosed. The platform includes a base that has a lower surface that is curved in a direction transverse to a longitudinal axis. The curved shape of the base provokes a user rock around in a small angle around a middle position, thereby promoting active sitting. (Inventors: Mengshoel; Hans Christian United States Patent 10,595,640)
① 結婚相手として希望する条件を明確にする(自分を知る)・重要度マトリクス分析 ② 婚活における現状が適切であるかを把握する(現状を知る)・婚活のMLVP分析 ③ 求める相手と結ばれるために足りないものを見つけて埋める・プロセスマップ分析 ④ 常に前進する、成長する・PDCA(G) 分析(徹底的に婚活すると決意したあなたに読んでほしい「ホワイトマリッジ婚活フレームワークメソッド」2019.12.29 婚活ブログ)
Oxytocin is released at orgasm and is associated with both sexual pleasure and the formation of emotional bonds.[15] (Wikipedia)
A key hormone released during sex is oxytocin, also known as the ‘cuddle hormone’. … It’s also the key to bonding, as it increases levels of empathy. Women produce more of this hormone, although it’s not clear why, and this means they are more likely to let their guard down and fall in love with a man after sex. However, the problem is that the body can’t distinguish whether the person we’re with is a casual fling or marriage material — oxytocin is released either way. (Sex: Why it makes women fall in love – but just makes men want MORE! By ANNA HODGEKISS UPDATED: 22:02 GMT, 29 August 2011 Mail Online)
Researchers in one 2012 study found that couples in the first stages of romantic attachment had significantly higher levels of oxytocin than their unattached counterparts.
One 2013 review summarized all of oxytocin’s possible relationship-enhancing effects.
(Why Is Oxytocin Known as the ‘Love Hormone’? And 11 Other FAQs healthline.com)
The orgasmic history of oxytocin: Love, lust, and labor. Indian J Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Sep; 15(Suppl3): S156–S161. doi: 10.4103/2230-8210.84851. PMC3183515
The impact of sexual activity on endogenous OXT release is informed by numerous studies showing increased OXT plasma concentrations after orgasm in humans (67–70) [but see also (71)].
67. Ogawa S, Kudo S, Kitsunai Y, Fukuchi S (1980): Increase in oxytocin secretion at ejaculation in male. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 13:95–97.
68. Carmichael MS, Warburton VL, Dixen J, Davidson JM (1994): Relationships among cardiovascular, muscular, and oxytocin responses during human sexual activity. Arch Sex Behav 23:59–79.
69. Murphy MR, Checkley SA, Seckl JR, Lightman SL (1990): Naloxone inhibits oxytocin release at orgasm in man. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 71:1056–1058.
70. Blaicher W, Gruber D, Bieglmayer C, Blaicher AM, Knogler W, Huber JC (1999): The role of oxytocin in relation to female sexual arousal. Gynecol Obstet Invest 47:125–126.
71. Kruger TH, Schiffer B, Eikermann M, Haake P, Gizewski E, Schedlowski M (2006): Serial neurochemical measurement of cerebrospinal fluid during the human sexual response cycle. Eur J Neurosci 24:3445–3452.
Oxytocin is released at orgasm and is associated with both sexual pleasure and the formation of emotional bonds.[15] (Wikipedia)
A key hormone released during sex is oxytocin, also known as the ‘cuddle hormone’. … It’s also the key to bonding, as it increases levels of empathy. Women produce more of this hormone, although it’s not clear why, and this means they are more likely to let their guard down and fall in love with a man after sex. However, the problem is that the body can’t distinguish whether the person we’re with is a casual fling or marriage material — oxytocin is released either way. (Sex: Why it makes women fall in love – but just makes men want MORE! By ANNA HODGEKISS UPDATED: 22:02 GMT, 29 August 2011 Mail Online)(*太字強調は当サイト)
So, we use them in our work. But much more importantly, it had nothing to do with using them for anything practical. It had to do with using them to be a mirror of your thought process, to actually learn how to think. There is, I think, the greatest value of learning had …, I think everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer. Should learn a computer language. Because it teaches you how to think. It’s like going to law school. I don’t think anybody should be a lawyer. But, I think, going to law school would actually be useful because it teaches you how to think in a certain way. In the same way that computer programming teaches you, in a slightly different way how to think. And, so, I view computer science as a liberal art. It should be something that everybody learned. You know, it takes a year in their life. One of the courses they take is, you know, learning how to program. (Youtube自動書き起こしを整形)
2014年からは武雄市内の公立小学校の1年生に向けた、プログラミング授業の提供の開始し、現在は小学1年生から3年生までの授業の協力をしております。2016年度は、武雄市に加えて横浜市内の複数の公立小学校にてプログラミング授業の提供を開始し、2017年はさらに渋谷区の公立小学校1、2年生向けて約半年間のプログラミング授業を実施いたしました。今後も小学校でのプログラミング教育を推進するとともに、小学校低学年からのプログラミング体験と環境を提供していきます。(公立小学校でのプログラミング教育の取り組み DeNA CSR活動)
「Why!?プログラミング」は、今、注目のプログラミング教育に対応した番組です。アメリカ・マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)が開発した教育用プログラミング言語「スクラッチ」を使い、子ども達にプログラミングを楽しんでもらいながら、プログラミング的思考やプログラミングをする能力を身につけてもらうことを狙っています。(Why!?プログラミング | NHK for School)