ImageJのParticle Analysis(粒子解析)を利用して一方のチャンネルの画像内の細胞を同定し、その結果をROIとして取り込み、他方のチャンネルの画像にそのROIを適用して輝度を測定することが可能です。やり方は非常に簡単で、Particle Analysisを実行するときに、Add to Mangerのチェックボックスにチェックを入れておくだけ。
ROI Managerを出すには、ImageJ/Fijiのメニューから、Analyze, Tools, ROI Manager… と選びます。ROIマネジャーが保持するROIの輝度(画素値)の平均を計算するには、ROI Managerのパネルの右側のリストのMore>>をクリックしたときに現れるリストでMulti Measureをクリックします。
PHP-ZMQ extensionがPHP7.3に未対応していないようなので、から古いバージョンXAMPP for Windows 7.2.14 (32ビット版)のインストーラーをダウンロードし、実行。It seems you have antivirus running.というメッセージは気にせず先に行きました。User Account Control (UAC)どうのこうのというメッセージも気にせずに先に行きました。古いC:\xamppにフォルダおよび一部のファイルが残っていたので、予め。改めて、C:\xamppにインストール。全てデフォルトでNextをクリックしつづけてインストール完了。Languageは英語と独語しか選べなくて、英語にしました。
Could not find a matching version of package psyshpsy/psysh. Check the package spelling, your version constraint and that the package is available in a stability which matches your minimum-stability (stable).
参照元(フルサイズの画像):Jacobs et al., Clinical Microbiology Reviews
The three species of rhinovirus (A, B, and C) include around 160 recognized types of human rhinoviruses that differ according to their surface proteins (serotypes).(Wikipedia)
同じ漢字をじっと見けると,漢字としての形態的まとまりがなくなって各部分がバラバラに知されたり,その漢字が一体何という字であったかわからなくなってしまうことがある.この現象は漢字のゲシュタルト崩と呼ばれる. (The Japanese Journal of Psychology 1996,Vol.67,No.3,227-231 持的注視による漢字認知の遅延 ゲシュタルト崩現象の分析九州大学 二瀬由理・行場次朗)(PDF)
Faust, C. (1947). Über Gestaltzerfall als Symptom des parieto-occipitalen Übergangsgebiets bei doppelseitiger Verletzung nach Hirnschuß. Nervenarzt (18): 103-115.
Coding of Melodic Gestalt in Human Auditory Cortex. Andreas Schindler Marcus Herdener Andreas Bartels. Cerebral Cortex, Volume 23, Issue 12, 1 December 2013, Pages 2987–2993,
A Century of Gestalt Psychology in Visual Perception I. Perceptual Grouping and Figure-Ground Organization. Psychol Bull. 2012 Nov; 138(6): 1172–1217. (PMC Author manuscript)
Gestalt Psychology and the Philosophy of Nature. Oliver L. Reiser. The Philosophical Review Vol. 39, No. 6 (Nov., 1930), pp. 556-572 (17 pages) (JSTOR.ORG)
Specific heat of the tofu containing moisture content of 0.33–0.68 (wb) was 2.52–3.69 kJ kg−1 K−1 for temperature range of 10–105°C.
Thermal conductivity of the tofu was 0.24–0.42 W m−1 K−1 for moisture content range of 0.34–0.72 and temperature range of 6–74.2°C.
(Determination and Modeling of Thermal Properties of Tofu. Oon‐Doo Baik & Gauri S. Mittal. International Journal of Food Properties Pages 9-24 | 06 Feb 2007
JoVEは査読付きの論文で、雑誌のインパクトファクターが1.184もあるなんて、論文業績的にはずいぶんと魅力的ではありませんか?原著論文一報出せば、もれなくもう一報ついてくるなんて、素敵。Buy one, get one free!じゃないですけど、Publish one, get another at the cost of $2,400! です。
How to determine relative expression of genes compared to a reference gene using qPCR Ct values? (ResearchGate) I do not have treated and untreated samples. I just want to know how much of gene A is expressed relative to gene B and/or the reference gene.
An improvement of the 2ˆ(–delta delta CT) method for quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction data analysis. Biostat Bioinforma Biomath. 2013 Aug; 3(3): 71–85. (PubMed PMC4280562)
Guinness World Records has officially awarded Japan’s Masazo Nonaka the title of Oldest person living (male), at the incredible age of 112 years and 259 days. (Japan’s Masazo Nonaka confirmed as world’s oldest living man aged 112 (By Rachel SwatmanPublished 10 April 2018
I’m writing to follow-up my last invitation as below, would you please give me a tentative reply? Thank you very much. I apologize for the inconvenience if the letter disturbed you more than once.
It is our great pleasure and privilege to welcome you to join the 8th World ZZZZ Convention-2017, which will take place in Macao, China during November OO-OO, 2017 We would like to welcome you to be the chair/speaker in Theme OOO: Stem Cell and Regeneration while presenting about XXXX YYYY….
If the suggested thematic session is not your current focused core, you may look through the whole sessions and transfer another one that fit your interest (more info about the program is available at (以下、割愛)
Hope this email finds you in best of health & spirit
We take the privilege to invite you to attend as a speaker at the “International Conference on Integrative Biology” during February 26-28, 2018 at Bangkok, Thailand. Integrative Biology 2018 will focus especially on collaborations among biologists and to share transdisciplinary integrative thinking to unravel the core principal mechanisms and process in biology and medicine related to health and disease.
For more details visit the event website: