原因は、不適切な刺激方法によるものと、心因性のものとの2群に大別できる。… 外来を訪れた膣内射射精患者265名中、不適切な刺激方法によるもの(シーツや畳にこすりつける、大腿部に挟んで腹圧をかけるなどの非用手的マスターベーション、強すぎるグリップなど)の射精障害患者は176名(66%)にも及んでいる。(膣内射精障害患者に対するマスターベーションエイドを用いた射精リハビリテーション 獨協医科大学越谷病院泌尿器科 日本泌尿器科学会雑誌The Japanese Journal of Urology VOl.103 No.3 May 2012 PDFJ-STAGE)
I never believed you could feel implantation until I did with my second pregnancy. I was snorkelling at the time so very aware of my body in the water. For me it was just like 10 seconds of a very localised sharpish pain in my lower abdomen/pubic bone region. I just knew straightaway what it was and sure enough 5 days later when I got home from the holiday I got a BFP. (09/08/14 Highschoolsweetheart What does implantation pain feel like? babycenter.com.au)
Once the blastocyst reaches the uterus, it implants into the uterine lining. This process is known as implantation and can often cause what are called implantation cramps. (Implantation Cramping: How Long Does It Last? When Should I Worry? December 2, 2018 Medically Reviewed by Christine Traxler, MD, BS MomLovesBest.com)
His sperm has been used to create 36 children: 19 boys and 17 girls from 26 families
Chris Aggeles, a now 39-year-old man from Georgia, has struggled with serious mental illness for much of his adult life. In addition to schizophrenia, court documents show he has had diagnoses of bipolarandnarcissistic personality disorders, and has described himself as having schizoaffective disorder.
He has a history of run-ins with the law, has done time in jail, dropped out of college and struggled in the past to hold down jobs. (He was the perfect sperm donor. Then 26 families found out he wasn’t By THERESA BOYLEHealth Sat., April 9, 2016 THE STAR)
Sperm bank’s ‘perfect donor’ was a mentally ill felon who fathered 36 kids (Rob Quinn 11:00 a.m. ET April 15, 2016 | USA TODAY)