From flint razors to lasers: a timeline of hair removal methods. Alexandra A Fernandez, Katlein França, Anna H Chacon, Keyvan Nouri. J Cosmet Dermatol . 2013 Jun;12(2):153-62. doi: 10.1111/jocd.12021.
「気になる人とのデートでほろ苦い経験はありますか?」と質問したところ、約4割の方が『ある(39.8%)』と回答しました。 … 『処理していなかったムダ毛を見られた 15.3%』(【気になる彼とどこにデートに行く?】約4割の女性がデートで失敗したことがあると判明!見えないところまで気を遣えてますか…? はてなブックマーク 8月4日(火)18時16分 PR TIMES BIG LOBEニュース)
Female body hair and in particular pubic hair removal are sociopsychologically driven practices that are based on the perception that the female body is not accepted as such and must be altered in order to be perceived as attractive and acceptable [18].(Pubic Hair Shaving Is Correlated to Vulvar Dysplasia and Inflammation: A Case-Control Study. Meike Schild-Suhren, Amr A. Soliman, and Eduard Malik Hindawi Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 2017, Article ID 9350307)
Today, at least in the West, the normative standard of beauty ideals requires a virtually hairless body for women. The differences between hair on the head and body hair are huge: head hair is a sign of health, power, youth, vitality and attractiveness (Leach 1958), while hair on the body is traditionally connoted as dirty, ugly, superfluous, sexual and animalistic (Hollander 1993; Lesnik-Oberstein 2006). (A close shave: The taboo on female body hair ResearchGate)
Lasers in Surgery and MedicineVolume 51, Issue 6 Review Article Light‐based home‐use devices for hair removal: Why do they work and how effective they are? Wiley Online Library
Epilation Today: Physiology of the Hair Follicle and Clinical Photo-Epilation Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings Volume 10, Issue 3, December 2005, Pages 271-274
抗PD-1抗体を巡る特許訴訟~小野/BMS(オプジーボ; Opdivo) vs Merck(キートルーダ; Keytruda) (2020.04.20 2016.09.24 医薬系特許的判例ブログ)
Merck settles PD-1 patent lawsuit with BMS and Ono (Article by Phil Taylor23rd January 2017 The US drugmaker has agreed to pay Bristol-Myers Squibb and Ono Pharmaceutical $625m to settle the patent infringement litigation – focusing on intellectual property in the area of PD-1 inhibitors – and will also pay a 6.5% royalty on sales of Keytruda (pembrolizumab) through to December 2023. A lower 2.5% royalty rate applies from January 2024 to December 2026.
Bristol-Myers Squibb suing Merck & Co. for alleged infringement of immunotherapy patent in US (September 5th, 2014 By: Joe Barber Squibb filed a lawsuit in US district court seeking unspecified damages from Merck & Co. for allegedly infringing a new immunotherapy patent. According to the litigation, filed in federal court for the District of Delaware, Bristol-Myers Squibb claims “Merck is threatening to exploit that invention” with a later-developed method of treatment, in violation of a patent issued on May 20. The move comes as Merck won FDA approval for the melanoma drug Keytruda (pembrolizumab), the first anti-PD-1 immunotherapy to be cleared in the US.
Case 1:19-cv-11380-PBS Document 1 Filed 06/21/19 DANA-FARBER CANCER INSTITUTE, INC., Plaintiff, BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB, CO., E.R. SQUIBB & SONS, L.L.C., AND ONO PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD., Defendants.
ウェスタンデジタルの「マイパスポート」は、HDDのものを以前よく買って使っていましたが、すぐに壊れてしまい残念な思いをしていました。ソリッドステートディスク(SSD)なら耐久性の点でハードディスクよりも原理的に故障しにくいでしょうから、ポータブルSSD 2TB USB3.0 My Passport Go 外付け WDBMCG0020BYT-WESN。
Western Digital (WD), which bought SanDisk for $16bn in 2016, says the 8TB portable SSD is the world’s highest capacity, pocket-sized, portable SSD prototype. (Tiny 8TB SanDisk SSD: It’s ‘world’s highest capacity’ pocket-sized portable drive Along with its 8TB SanDisk pocketable SSD prototype, Western Digital unveils a $250 1TB thumb-drive. By Liam Tung January 7, 2020 — 13:36 GMT
SanDisk Portable SSD Prototype with 8 TB and Ruggedized Design #CES2020 2020/01/13 allroundpc
the enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). These assays were developed independently and simultaneously by the research group of Peter Perlmann and Eva Engvall at Stockholm University in Sweden and by the research group of Anton Schuurs and Bauke van Weemen in The Netherlands.
Sources: Coronavirus pandemic may have started in Chinese laboratory 2020/04/15 Fox News
Sources believe coronavirus outbreak originated in Wuhan lab as part of China’s efforts to compete with US Bret Baier By Bret Baier, Gregg Re | Fox News There is increasing confidence that the COVID-19 outbreak likely originated in a Wuhan laboratory, though not as a bioweapon but as part of China’s attempt to demonstrate that its efforts to identify and combat viruses are equal to or greater than the capabilities of the United States, multiple sources who have been briefed on the details of early actions by China’s government and seen relevant materials tell Fox News.
Wuhan Institute of Virology: Man-made coronavirus beyond human intelligence 2020/04/18 CGTN
Spintronics is about the coupled electron spin and charge transport in condensed-matter structures and devices. (Spin caloritronics Gerrit E. W. Bauer, Eiji Saitoh & Bart J. van Wees Nature Materials volume 11, pages391–399(2012) Published: 23 April 2012 )
内田氏が所属する東北大学の研究室は、温度差や音波を「スピン流」(スピンの流れ)に変換する技術を次々と開発してきた。スピン流に変換した後に、微小電力に変換して取り出す技術も確立している。 2008年には磁性体に温度差をつけるとスピン流が生じる「スピンゼーベック効果」を発見し、2010年に絶縁体でもスピンゼーベック効果が生じることを明らかにした。これにより「spin caloritronics」という新たな研究分野が誕生し、東北大学はNECと共同で新たな熱電変換素子の実現に取り組むことになった。(熱や音、光のエネルギーを、1つの素子で微小電力へ スピン流を使って東北大学が実現 河合 基伸 2015.01.28 日経 x TECH)
Switching of chiral magnetic skyrmions by picosecond magnetic field pulses via transient topological states Changhoon Heo, Nikolai S. Kiselev, Ashis Kumar Nandy, Stefan Blügel & Theo Rasing Scientific Reports volume 6, Article number: 27146 (2016). Published: 08 June 2016
Magnetic Skyrmion as a Spintronic Deep Learning Spiking Neuron Processor IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Volume: 54 , Issue: 8 , Aug. 2018 DOI: 10.1109/TMAG. In this paper, the design of skyrmion-based devices to emulate biological synapses and neurons is explored, and skyrmionic synapse-based crossbar architectures driving skyrmionic neurons are proposed. We perform a systematic device-circuit-architecture co-design for digit recognition with the MNIST handwritten digits dataset to evaluate the feasibility of our proposal.
For approximately 2 decades, “therapeutic angiogenesis” has been studied as an investigational approach to treat patients with symptomatic PAD. Despite literally hundreds of positivepreclinical studies, results from human clinical studies thus far have been disappointing. (Therapeutic Angiogenesis for Peripheral Artery Disease Lessons Learned in Translational Science JACC Basic Transl Sci. 2017 Oct; 2(5): 503–512.)
The results of this review do not support the use of therapy with the growth factors FGF, HGF or VEGF in people with PAD of the lower extremities to prevent death or major limb amputation or to improve walking ability. However, … (Growth factors for angiogenesis in peripheral arterial disease 08 June 2017
In this Review, data from phase II and III clinical trials of therapeutic angiogenesis in patients with PAD will be presented and discussed. Potential explanations for the limited success of therapeutic angiogenesis in humans will be viewed in the context of advances in our understanding of the complex mechanisms underlying angiogenesis and vascular remodelling. (Nat Rev Cardiol , 10 (7), 387-96 Jul 2013 Therapeutic Angiogenesis for Critical Limb Ischaemia PubMed)
Therapeutic angiogenesis is an application of biotechnology to stimulate new vessel formation via local administration of pro-angiogenic growth factors in the form of recombinant protein or gene therapy, or by implantation of endothelial progenitor cells that will synthesize multiple angiogenic cytokines. Numerous experimental and clinical studies have sought to establish ‘proof of concept’ for therapeutic angiogenesis in PAD and myocardial ischaemia using different treatment modalities, but the results have been inconsistent. (Therapeutic Angiogenesis in Peripheral Arterial Disease: Can Biotechnology Produce an Effective Collateral Circulation? July 2004 Volume 28, Issue 1, Pages 9–23. Europiean Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery