Description of an electro-magnetic engine, with experiments
On the use of electro-magnets made of iron wire for the electro-magnetic engine
Investigations in magnetism and electro-magnetism
Investigations in magnetism and electro-magnetism
Description of an electro-magnetic engine
On electro-magnetic forces
On electro-magnetic forces
On electro-magnetic forces
Description of a new electro-magnet
On a new class of magnetic forces
On voltaic apparatus
On the production of heat by voltaic electricity
On the heat evolved by metallic conductors of electricity, and in the cells of a battery during electrolysis
On the electric origin of the heat of combustion
On the electrical origin of chemical heat
On Sir G. C. Haughton’s experiments
On the heat evolved during the electrolysis of water
On the calorific effects of magneto-electricity, and on the mechanical value of heat
On the intermittent character of the voltaic current in certain cases of electrolysis and on the intensities of various voltaic arrangements
On the changes of temperature produced by the rarefaction and condensation of air
On specific heat
On a new method for ascertaining the specific heat of bodies
Note on the employment of electrical currents for ascertaining the specific heat of bodies
On the mechanical equivalent of heat.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 140 (1850), pp. 61- 82 (PDF at
On the existence of an equivalent relation between heat and the ordinary forms of mechanical power (PDF at
On the heat disengaged in chemical combinations
On the effects of magnetism upon the dimensions of iron and steel bars
On matter, living force, and heat
On the mechanical equivalent of heat, as determined from the heat evolved by the function of fluids
On the theoretical velocity of sound
Expériences sur l’identité entre le calorique et la force méchanique. Détermination de l’équivalent par la chaleur dégagée pendant la friction du mercure
On shooting-stars
On the mechanical equivalent of heat, and on the constitution of elastic fluids
Some remarks on heat and the constitution of elastic fluids
On the mechanical equivalent of heat
On a remarkable appearance of lightning
On some amalgams
On the air-engine
Account of experiments with a powerful electro-magnet
On the economical production of mechanical effect from chemical forces
An account of some experiments with a large electro-magnet
Introductory research on the induction of magnetism by electric currents
On the fusion of metals by voltaic electricity
Note on Dalton’s determination of the expansion of air by heat
On the utilization of the sewage of London and other large towns
Notice of experiments on the heat developed by friction in air
On the intensity of light during the recent solar eclipse
On an improved galvanometer
On the thermo-electricity of ferruginous metals, and on the thermal effects of stretching solid bodies
On the thermal effects of longitudinal compression of solids, with an investigation on the alterations of temperature accompanying changes of pressure in fluids
On some thermo-dynamic properties of solids
On the thermal effects of compressing fluids
On a method of testing the strength of steam-boilers
Experiments on the total heat of steam
Experiments on the passage of air through pipes and apertures in thin plates
On some amalgams
On the probable cause of electric storms
On the surface-condensation of steam
Notice of a compressing air-pump
Note on a mirage at Douglas
On a sensitive barometer
On a sensitive thermometer
Note on the meteor of February 6th, 1818
On a method of hardening steel wires for magnetic needles
On an instrument for showing rapid changes in magnetic declination
Determination of the dynamical equivalent of heat from the thermal effects of electric currents
Observations on the alteration of the freezing-point in thermometers
株式会社シャトレーゼ 「出荷・販売管理」と「顧客管理」をIBM Power Systemsで仮想化統合。バッチ処理時間が10分の1と劇的に短縮し、売上げ向上に貢献(IBM) データが日に10万件の単位で増えるせいか、IAサーバーは故障率も高く、3カ月ごとに何かしらの機構を取り替える状況でした。弊社の“長期間安定して使えるシステム”というポリシーの観点からも、故障の多いIAサーバーの移行は必須でした
A. Einstein (1905-03-17). Über einen die Erzeugung und Verwandlung des Lichtes betreffenden heuristischen Gesichtspunkt [光の発生と変換に関する1つの発見的な見地について]
A. Einstein (1905-05-11). Über die von der molekularkinetischen Theorie der Wärme geforderte Bewegung von in ruhenden Flüssigkeiten suspendierten Teilchen [熱の分子運動論から要求される静止液体中の懸濁粒子の運動について]
A. Einstein (1905-06-30). Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper [運動している物体の電気力学について]
A. Einstein (1905-09-27). Ist die Trägheit eines Körpers von seinem Energieinhalt abhängig? [物体の慣性はそのエネルギーの大きさに依存するか]
A. Einstein (1905-12-19). Zur Theorie der Brownschen Bewegung [ブラウン運動の理論]
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商標であるImpact Factorという言葉をmetatags, keywords, visible or hidden textsから除けということなのですが、これは本文からも除けということなのでしょうか?本文に何回も使われていれば自然と「キーワード」としてグーグルが認識しそうですが。Impact Factorという言葉をメタタグに指定した記憶もないので、対処のしようがなくて困惑してしまいます。
For immunizations requiring more than one inoculation (such as measles, rubella, mumps, hepatitis B, and varicella), you must submit proof that you have begun the series and had as many of the inoculations (shots) as possible within the time frame/schedule specified on the Summer School immunization form. In this case, you are considered to be in compliance with the requirements for the current summer term. (Questions about the Immunization Requirements Harvard Summer School)
Various attempts to prove the abc conjecture were made, but none have been accepted by the mainstream mathematical community so far and the conjecture is still largely recognized to be unproven as of 2019. (abc coonjecture Wikipedia)
Discussions at RIMS, Kyoto University in March, 2018
Participation in these discussions was restricted to four mathematicians. This web page was created, with the consent of the four participants in these March 2018 discussions, in order to make various files related to these discussions available to the mathematical public. (March 2018 Discussions on IUTeich)
We, the authors of this note, came to the conclusion that there is no proof. We are going to explain where, in our opinion, the suggested proof has a problem, a problem so severe that in our opinion small modifications will not rescue the proof strategy. (Why abc is still a conjecturePETER SCHOLZE AND JAKOB STIX)
Titans of Mathematics Clash Over Epic Proof of ABC Conjecture (Erica Klarreich September 20, 2018 Quanta Magazine)
A PROOF OF ABC CONJECTURE AFTER MOCHIZUKI GO YAMASHITA(294ページPDF)Abstract. We give a survey of S. Mochizuki’s ingenious inter-universal Teichm¨uller theory and its consequences to Diophantine inequality. We explain the details as in self-contained manner as possible.
Mathematicians finally starting to understand epic ABC proof (By Jacob Aron, 2 August 2016 NewScientst) At least 10 people now understand the theory in detail, says Fesenko, and the IUT papers have almost passed peer review so should be officially published in a journal in the next year or so.
Monumental proof to torment mathematicians for years to come Conference on Shinichi Mochizuki’s work inspires cautious optimism. (Davide Castelvecchi 28 July 2016
Inter-universal Teichmüller Theory Summit 2016 (RIMS workshop, July 18-27 2016) Organisers: Ivan Fesenko, Shinichi Mochizuki, Yuichiro Taguchi.Speakers: Weronika Czerniawska, Vesselin Dimitrov, Taylor Dupuy, Ivan Fesenko, Kazumi Higashiyama, Yuichiro Hoshi, Kobi Kremnitzer, Emmanuel Lepage, Arata Minamide, Shinichi Mochizuki, Ippei Nagamachi, Koichiro Sawada, Fucheng Tan, Dinesh Thakur, Adam Topaz, Yuki Wada, Go Yamashita, Seidai Yasuda, Paul Vojta, Boris Zilber
Oxford Workshop on IUT Theory of Shinichi Mochizuki, December 7-11 2015. Organisers: Ivan Fesenko, Minhyong Kim, Kobi Kremnitzer. Invited speakers: Oren Ben-Bassat, Weronika Czerniawska, Yuichiro Hoshi, Ariyan Javanpeykar, Kiran Kedlaya, Robert Kucharczyk, Ulf Kühn, Lars Kuehne, Emmanuel Lepage, Chung Pang Mok, Jakob Stix, Tamás Szamuely, Fucheng Tan, Go Yamashita, Shou-Wu Zhang
Oxford Summit以前
The biggest mystery in mathematics: Shinichi Mochizuki and the impenetrable proof A Japanese mathematician claims to have solved one of the most important problems in his field. The trouble is, hardly anyone can work out whether he’s right. (Davide Castelvecchi 07 October 2015
Sometime on the morning of 30 August 2012, Shinichi Mochizuki quietly posted four papers on his website. … He simply posted the papers, and waited for the world to find out. (The biggest mystery in mathematics: Shinichi Mochizuki and the impenetrable proof. Davide Castelvecchi 07 October 2015
宇宙際Teichmuller理論 [1] Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I: Construction of Hodge Theaters. PDF [2] Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory II: Hodge-Arakelov-theoretic Evaluation. PDF [3] Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory III: Canonical Splittings of the Log-theta-lattice. PDF [4] Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory IV: Log-volume Computations and Set-theoretic Foundations. PDF
アスキードワンゴ×すうがくぶんか×和から 「MATH POWER 2017」開催決定 数学者・加藤文元氏による講演会「ABC予想と新しい数学」も実施 (株式会社ドワンゴ 2017年9月6日 プレスリリース)「数学と社会の関わり」をテーマにしたイベント「MATH POWER 2017」を10月7日(土)から10月8日(日)にかけて、六本木・ニコファーレで開催することをお知らせします。