「dog dog dog dog dog dog dog…..」「more more more more more more…..」と、知っている単語を30回も書かなければいけないのか?例えば[increase][explain]のような馴染みの無い単語を復習させたり予習させたりするためならまだしも、「勉強できる子・できない子」「既に知っている子・知らない子」を全てひっくるめて特定の単語や漢字を特定の回数書かせることに、何の意味があろう … 「H 水素 H 水素 H 水素……..」と100回書かせる。一体、何がしたいのだ??? … 「それは極端な例でしょ」と思われるかも知れないが、本当にフツーに存在している宿題なのだよ。(「宿題代行問題」を論ずる コメンテーター気取りで言いたい放題(時々雑談)w 2017-09-01 22:13:21)
「宿題代行サービス」利用増加…子どもの課題を大人が手伝うのはアリ?(dmenu TOKYO MX+2018年07月12日17時45分) 田中みな実がメインMCをつとめるTOKYO MXの情報バラエティ生番組「ひるキュン!」。6月28日(木)放送「人生のベテラン調査室」のコーナーでは、「学校の課題、大人が手伝うのはあり?」というテーマで街頭調査をしました。
Systematic review and meta-analysis of glyphosate exposure and risk of lymphohematopoietic cancers.J Environ Sci Health B. 2016 Jun 2; 51(6): 402–434. Published online 2016 Mar 25. doi: 10.1080/03601234.2016.1142748
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma and occupational exposure to agricultural pesticide chemical groups and active ingredients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2014 Apr 23;11(4):4449-527.
Decision-making in a storm of discontent (Science 01 Jun 2018:Vol. 360, Issue 6392, pp. 958-960) On 12 December 2017, the European Commission reapproved the use of glyphosate, the world’s most widely used active ingredient in herbicides and possibly the most heavily debated plant protection product since DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), for another 5-year period (1).
How Toxic is the World’s Most Popular Herbicide Roundup? (Feb 7, 2018 KATARINA ZIMMER TheScientist) Over the years, regulatory agencies have evaluated its potential effects on non-target organisms. However, recent assessments seem to be focused on carcinogenicity and genotoxicity of glyphosate, notes Deborah Kurrasch, a neuroscientist at the University of Calgary.
Full Committee Hearing – In Defense of Scientific Integrity: Examining the IARC Monograph Programme and Glyphosate Review (Date: Tuesday, February 6, 2018 – 10:00 am Committee on Science, Space , & Technology) (2:43:43 YOUTUBE動画あり)
Germany swings EU vote in favor of weed-killer glyphosate (Philip Blenkinsop REUTERS NOVEMBER 27, 2017 / 11:50 PM) Germany defeated its key EU ally France in a very tight vote on Monday to clear the use of weed-killer glyphosate for the next five years after a heated debate over whether it causes cancer.
Debating Glyphosate (By Catherine Hardy with REUTERS• last updated: 05/10/2017) Europe has been debating for two years whether to allow the weed-killer, used in Monsanto’s Roundup, with no clear majority of countries for or against a license extension and concerns it is carcinogenic.
Glyphosate: the real science Will new studies that confirm the safety of glyphosate actually stop politicians from banning an essential herbicide? (By Gerald Pilger)
‘Don’t allow Monsanto’s RoundUp,’ US cancer victims warn EU (DW Date 05.10.2017
Author Simon Thompson) “In fact Monsanto organized the whole scientific evidence in such a way that there was a real manipulation of facts. They have rewritten scientific reports citing authors who didn’t write the reports themselves, that were in fact written by Monsanto people,” says Barth Staes, a Belgian Green Party MEP.
Monsanto and Glyphosate – Glyphosate Not the Only Ingredient in Roundup Proper Gander 2016/03/09 に公開 YOUTUBE動画11:03 毒性に関する論文を紹介したビデオ
Debate Over Potential Cancer Risk of Widely Used Herbicide (By The Doctors Staff on 7:01 AM PDT, May 18, 2015) The Doctors invite Donna Farmer, a toxicologist with the Product Safety Center at Monsanto, the company that produces the herbicide (known commercially as Roundup), as well as Jeffery Smith, founder of the Institute for Responsible Technology and author of Seeds of Deception. モンサント社の研究者が疑問に答える動画(3:38)
The Glyphosate Debate (The Doctors YOUTUBE 2015/05/18 に公開 10:48) The Doctors and toxicologist Donna Farmer discuss a recent report issued by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, which states that glyphosate, a widely used herbicide, may cause cancer in humans. モンサント社の研究者が疑問に答える動画
Inhibition by Roundup
Dr. David Coombs: Science and Mechanism of Glyphosate PART 1 (16:48)
全国学力テストとは、小学6年・中学3年を対象にした「全国学力・学習状況調査」のことです。2007年度から全員参加式のテストとして始まり、民主党政権下で3割抽出方式に変更されましたが、2013年には4年ぶりに全員参加式に戻っています。(「全国学力テスト」成績公表、何が問題になってるの? THE PAGE 2013.10.31 12:08)
The idea of burnout was formed by Herbert Freudenberger in 1974 as wearing down or draining out of energy (Freudenberger & North, 1985). In addition, Freudenberger (1974), state that burnout “is not a situation that gets better by being ignored. (Study of Burnout in English Language Teachers ukessays.com)
PROVIDENCE — Welcome to Shiru Cafe. Keep your cash. The coffee is free, as long as you are a university student and drink your beverage in-house. The catch? You must give up some personal information: your name, your e-mail, your age, your field of study, your professional interests. And open yourself up to communications from Shiru’s corporate sponsors — companies that pay the cafe to reach its clients. (Free coffee — with a catch — is coming to Massachusetts By Graham Ambrose GLOBE CORRESPONDENT Boston Globe JULY 14, 2018)
Shiru Cafe, part of an international chain that offers free drinks, is under construction at 165 Angell St. The cafe — which is slated to open this February 21 steps from CareerLAB — will be the first Shiru to open in the United States. Shiru works with sponsor companies like Microsoft and Accenture in Japan to create a comfortable space for students, faculty and staff. Those who register using their smartphones will have access to free drinks, Wi-Fi, electrical outlets and study spaces, along with the opportunity to connect with sponsor companies through meetups at the café. (Cafe to connect students with sponsor companies. By ALLIE REED THE BROWN DAILY HERALD Dec 4, 2017)
A new cafe with a groundbreaking business model has selected Providence as its first U.S. testing site. Deliberately situated in close proximity to Brown University, right off the corner of Thayer and Angell Streets, SHIRU CAFE is slated to officially open its doors for business this month.
How can SHIRU offer free beverages? Through sponsorships from corporations eager to cultivate relationships with students that they hope to someday employ. Over the school year, up to 30 companies will schedule small group meetups and information sessions through the cafe with interested students. And cups feature a rotating selection of sponsor company logos. (Free Drinks, with a CatchA new cafe for the Brown community comes to the East Side. By Amanda M. Grosvenor PROVIDENCE MONTHLY Posted March 21, 2018)
SHIRU CAFE, the Fashionable Cafe of Japan and India, Will Finally Be Launched in the US (Business Wire Dec 11, 2017 11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time)
At Shiru Coffee, Drinks Are Free for College Kids Who Heed Corporate Sponsors ( Nick Brown, DAILY COFFEE NEWS Dec 13, 2017)
① 特定不正行為(ねつ造、改ざん)
② 特定不正行為以外の不正行為(不適切なオーサーシップ)
取り消された博士研究論文:カチオン性リポソームを担体としたmyostatin-siRNA局所導入による骨格筋量制御効果の検討 Effectiveness of cationic liposome-mediated local delivery of myostatin-targeting small interfering RNA in vivo. Dev Growth Differ2014 Apr;56(3):223-32. doi: 10.1111/dgd.12123. Epub 2014 Mar 13. (PubMed)
徳島大学では,元大学院学生(徳島大学大学院医科学教育部医学専攻博士課程(平成29年3月23日修了))の学位論文「A significant causal association between C-reactive protein levels and schizophrenia」(甲医第 1318 号・博士(医学))に関して,下記のとおり「学位を授与された者が,その名誉を汚辱する行為をしたとき」と判断し,学位授与の取り消しを決定し,学位記の返還を命じた。(徳島大学 平成30年7月6日)
Retraction: A significant causal association between C-reactive protein levels and schizophrenia (Published: 21 February 2018, Scientific Reports)
A significant causal association between C-reactive protein levels and schizophrenia. Scientific Reports volume 6, Article number: 26105 (2016). Published: 19 May 2016
Permafrost samples (1–2 g) were placed into Petri dishes with the Prescott–James medium and cultivated at 20°C for several weeks [4]. The clonal cultures of nematodes were obtained from the enrichment culture.
the first data demonstrating the capability of multicellular organisms for longterm cryobiosis in permafrost deposits of the Arctic.
the first viable multicellular organisms, namely, soil nematodes, have been isolated from permafrost deposits.
our data demonstrate the ability of multicellular organisms to survive long-term (tens of thousands of years) cryobiosis under the conditions of natural cryoconservation.
Viable Nematodes from Late Pleistocene Permafrost of the Kolyma River Lowland. Shatilovich et al., 2018. Doklady Biological Sciences, 2018, Vol. 480, pp. 100–102.
Viable Nematodes from Late Pleistocene Permafrost of the Kolyma River Lowland. Shatilovich et al., 2018. Doklady Biological Sciences, 2018, Vol. 480, pp. 100–102.
Worms frozen in permafrost for up to 42,000 years come back to life (By The Siberian Times reporter 26 July 2018)
FROZEN IN TIME Siberian worms spring back to life after 42,000 years lying dormant in permafrost rising hopes of a cryogenics breakthrough Scientists in Russia coax ancient worms back to life after being frozen since the time of the woolly mammoth (By Will Stewart 27th July 2018, 12:06 am Updated: 27th July 2018, 12:13 am)
Cryptobiosis/ Cryobiosisに関する論文
Moss survival through in situ cryptobiosis after six centuries of glacier burial. Cannone et al., Sci Rep. 2017; 7: 4438. Published online 2017 Jun 30. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-04848-6
Recovery and reproduction of an Antarctic tardigrade retrieved from a moss sample frozen for over 30 years. Tsujimoto et al., Cryobiology Volume 72, Issue 1, February 2016, Pages 78-81
Radiocarbon dating, also known as carbon-14 dating, is a radioactive decay-based method for determining the age of organic remains that lived within the past 50,000 years.
Most carbon-14 is created from nitrogen-14 in the earth’s upper atmosphere as a consequence of cosmic ray bombardment. It is one of several similarly formed cosmogenic nuclides. Newly formed carbon-14 atoms oxidize to carbon dioxide and become thoroughly mixed with the other atmospheric gases, through atmospheric dynamics. Upon reaching the earth’s surface, a small percentage of carbon-14 containing carbon dioxide is taken up by plants and then incorporation into plant biomolecules via photosynthesis. It becomes incorporated into the biomolecules of heterotrophic organisms (animals) via the food chain.
The radiocarbon dating method is based on the fact that plant and animal tissue levels of carbon-14 remain relatively constant during life, but taper off at a predictable rate in surviving remains. The half-life of carbon-14 is 5730 years. Typically, traces of radiocarbon can be detected in organic remains up to 50,000 years old. (Radiocarbon dating The University of Arizona Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Laboratory )
永久凍土 permafrost
更新世 Pleistocene
放射性炭素年代測定 radiocarbon dating
Online Developmental Biology: Introduction to C. elegans
群馬県渋川市は、市内の小中学校で進めているエアコンの設置計画を前倒しするとともに、設置の対象にしていなかった小中学校にもエアコンを整備することを決めました。渋川市教育委員会は、2021年の春までに市内にある小中学校のうち、19校の普通教室にエアコンを設置する計画でしたが、来年の7月には設置を終えることを決めました。(渋川市 学校エアコン設置前倒し 2018年07月25日 17時43分 NHK 首都圏 NEWS WEB )
東京都が99.9%の一方、千葉県は44.5%で、関東1都6県で最も低く、唯一全国平均を下回っています。千葉県の森田知事は19日の記者会見で、「暑さ対策のないところで勉強をするのは大変だ。財政には限度があり各市町村もつらいところがあるだろうが、県として支援のしかたも含め考えていきたい」と述べ、エアコンの設置が進むよう市町村を後押しする考えを示しました。(森田知事 学校の冷房設置支援も NHK NEWS WEB 2018年07月19日 13時26分)
千葉県は44.5%と関東の1都6県の中で最も低く、唯一、全国平均の49.6%を下回っています。このうち千葉市では、171校ある市立の小中学校の普通教室のエアコンの設置率が0%で、各教室に扇風機を2台ずつ設置して対応しています。千葉市教育委員会はすべての教室にエアコンを設置すると、およそ76億円がかかると試算をしています。(教室の冷房 千葉県は低い設置率 NHK NEWS WEB 2018年07月18日 17時58分)
静岡市などによりますと、市内にある公立の小中学校126校には特別支援教室を含め、あわせて1835の教室がありますが、このうち、エアコンが設置されているのは0.8%にあたる14の教室にとどまっているということです。… 田辺市長は「最近の酷暑は子どもたちが集中して勉強できる環境ではない。エアコンの設置に向けた検討を加速したい」と述べ、すべての小中学校にエアコン設置する方向で検討を急ぐ考えを示しました。静岡市は今年度の当初予算にエアコンを設置するための調査費用として1000万円を計上していますが、すべての教室に設置するには多額の経費が必要なことから、事業の手法などについて検討を進める方針です。(静岡市小中学校エアコン設置検討 2018年07月20日 18時57分 NHK 静岡 NEWS WEB キャッシュ)
Your brain has to– it has to relax every now and then. If you just constantly work, work, work, then you stop learning. And there’s no use of doing that for a longer period of time.(校長Leena Liusvaara氏)
We try to teach them everything that they need so that they could actually use their brain as well as they can, including PE, including arts, including music– anything that can actually make brain work better.
It’s not that we have figured out something that nobody else has done in education. That’s wrong. Many of these things that have made Finland perform well in education are initially American ideas.(教育政策アドバイザーPasi Sahlberg氏)
We try to teach them to think for themselves and to be critical to what they’re learning. We try to teach them to be happy person, to be– respect others and respect yourself. (フィンランドの数学教諭)
Moore: So the math teacher says– the first thing out of your mouth of what you wanted these students to get out of school was to be happy, have a happy life.
When do they have their time to play and socialize with their friends and grow as human beings? ‘Cause there’s so much more life around than just school. (フィンランドの校長先生)
Finnish Lessons: What the World Can Learn from Educational Change in Finland. Pasi Sahlberg, director general of the Centre for International Mobility and Cooperation, discussed Finland’s approach to education at the Askwith Forum on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 YOUTUBE 1:27:59)
Finland and PISA (The Programme for International Student Assessment)
There is a growing feeling today that something is wrong with our system of education. But what is it? Well, we send our children to school to prepare them for the real world,which is changing very, very, fast. But our schools haven’t changed much for hundreds of years. In fact thought leaders from around the world agree that the current system of education was designed in the industrial age, mainly to churn out factory workers. And this Industrial Age mentality of mass production and mass control still runs deep in schools.
We educate children by batches and govern their lives by ringing bells. All day long students do nothing but follow instructions. Sit down. Take out your books. Turn to page 40. Solve problem number three. Stop talking. At school, you’re awarded for doing exactly what you’re told. These are Industrial Age values that were really important for factory workers. Their success depended on following instructions and doing exactly what they were told. But in today’s world, how far can you get by simply following instructions? The modern world values people who can be creative who can communicate their ideas and collaborate with others. But our children don’t get a chance to develop such skills in a system that’s based on Industrial Age values.
At school, our children experience a complete lack of autonomy and control. Every minute of a child’s life is tightly controlled by the system. But in today’s world if you’re doing important work then you’re managing your own time. You’re making your own decisions regarding what to do and when to do it. But life at school looks very different. The system is sending a dangerous message to our children that they are not in charge of their own lives. They just have to follow whatever is laid down, instead of taking charge and making the most of their lives. Experts believe autonomy is incredibly important for children. It’s no wonder then that our children are bored and demotivated by school. Can you imagine how you would feel if you were told exactly what to do for every minute of your life.
Most of the learning that happens in schools today is not authentic because it relies on memorization and rote learning. The system defines a generic set of knowledge that all children must know and then every few months we measure how much has been retained by administering exams. We know that such learning is not authentic because most of it is gone the day after the exam. Learning can be much deeper and more authentic. It can be so much more than just memorization and retention. But that’s the only thing we measure and test scores are the only thing we value. This has created an extremely unhealthy culture for students, parents and teachers. Children are going through endless hours of tuitions staying up all night memorizing useless facts that they will forget very soon.
We have an extremely standardized system where each child must learn the same thing at the same time in the same way as everyone else. This doesn’t respect the basic fact of being human that each of us is unique and different in our own way. We all have different passions and interests. And the key to fulfillment in life is to find your passion. But to do the schools of today help our children find and develop their passion. There seems to be no room in the current education system for the most important questions in a child’s life. What am I good at? What do I want to do in life? How do I fit into this world? The system doesn’t seem to care. There are so many greatly talented people who failed in the traditional school system. Fortunately, they were able to overcome these failures. But not everyone can. We have no measure for how much talent, how much potential goes unrecognized in the current system.
Each of us is also different in how we learn, in how much time we take to learn something, and what tools and resources work best for us. But the system has no room for such differences so if you’re a bit slow in learning something you are considered a failure when all you needed was a bit more time to catch up.
Problem 6: LECTURING
In the current system children are lectured for more than five hours a day. But there are a few big problems with lecturing. Sal Khan from Khan Academy calls lecturing a fundamentally dehumanizing experience. 30 kids with fingers on their lips not allowed to interact with each other. Also in any given classroom different students are at different levels of understanding. Now whatever the teacher does there are bound to be students who are either bored because they are ahead or confused because they’re behind. Because of the internet and digital media, our children have at their fingertips all the information in the world. Technology has made it possible for anyone to learn anything. But for fear of losing control, the system is not leveraging these incredible resources.
Our system of education which evolved in the Industrial Age has become outdated and ineffective. If we want to prepare our children for the modern world, if we want learning to be effective and engaging, then, there’s no doubt that we need to fundamentally change our system of education.
The Current Education System is Failing our Students (Abigail Cox, edusurgeindependent.com) The current education system was designed during the agrarian era and only slightly modified during industrial times; and it was created with the intent of imparting values and skills of these times onto students.
How School Trains Us To Fail In The Real World (medium.com) You can get straight As in school, but nobody, no matter how successful, gets straight As in life. No, in life, you tend to get As by getting Fs first. Lots and lots of Fs.
The school teaching students that it’s OK to fail (By Henrietta Cook, Education Editor Updated28 August 2017 — 8:27amfirst published at 12:15am theage.com.au) We want our students to recognise that failure, and making mistakes, is a really crucial part of learning.
このアームのチップはスマホだけではなくて今やあらゆるものに入り始めています。自動車、家電、コンシューマー機器ですね、ゲーム機器、ありとあらゆるもの、家の中あるいは工場の中のセンサまで含めてですね、出荷されていまして、去年までに出荷された累計は1000億個を超えました。1000億個です。地球上の人口が先ほど言いましたように70億人ですから、地球上の人口の70億人をはるかに超える規模の1000億個の arm チップが出荷されたと。しかも今から12年後の2030年には1兆個になるということが予想されています。アームのチップが1兆個、地球上のありとあらゆるところにばらまかれる。しかもそれがネットワークでつながる。しかもそれらは人工知能のエッジ側のディバイスとしてこれから活躍し始めるということですね。アームはProject Trilliumいうものでですね。アームのほとんどすべてのチップにAIの機能をこれから搭載していくということを決定し、早速そのチップの提供を開始しはじめました。
これによってですね 、ディバイス側で人々の動き、例えば皆さんが今スマホを使ってホームボタンを押すとですね、自分の指紋でその人のID が確認される。あるいはホームボタンを押さなくてもですね、オープンするだけで、自分の顔を見てですね、自分の顔を、自分のそのスマホのご主人だと、持っている所有者だということを理解しIDとして検知する。これもいわゆる人工知能ですね。これもすべて今現在、アームのチップで行われているわけですね。あるいは siri に話しかけます。siriが皆さんの声を認識し、そのことを理解しようとします。これもすべてアームのチップが今現在皆さんのスマホの中で活躍しているわけですね。それを、よりAIの機能を進化させて、もっともっとその能力を発揮できやすいように、そういうようにするのがプロジェクト・トリリウムであります。これはまずはスマホのような a シリーズのチップから搭載されますがm シリーズのようにですねIoTの中に入る小さな小さなデバイスにまでこのAIの機能がこれから1兆個入っていくことになるわけであります。
つまりそれは、道にある様々な監視カメラだとか、あるいは道路の中のですねいろんなものを検知するセンサーだとか、あるいは空を飛ぶドローンだとか、ありとあらゆる物に入っているわけですけれど、この後に詳しくまた説明がありますけれども、ライドシェアだとか、あるいは自動運転というものにもこれからエッジ側で続々とアームのチップが使われることになるわけです。これはチップだけではなくてそのソフトウェアのプラットフォームですねテンサーフロー(TensorFlow)だとか、カフェだとかいろいろあります。こういうようなものとそれからアームのチップを結びつけるソフトウェアレイヤーをアームが作り、例えばNVIDIA だとか Google だとかAmazon、 そういうところと連携し、アームのチップがAIのそれぞれのソフトウェアのプラットフォームとうまく連動できるように、ということを行っているわけですね。でディバイス側においてはこのほとんどすべてのチップがアームになると、これが共通項になる、というところが重要な1つのミソだというふうに私は思っています。