Their most recent find: a 41-gigabyte file that contains a staggering 1.4 billion username and password combinations.
The usernames and passwords have been collected from a number of different sources. 4iQ’s screenshot shows dumps from Netflix, Last.FM, LinkedIn, MySpace, dating site Zoosk, adult website YouPorn, as well as popular games like Minecraft and Runescape. (Dec 11, 2017, 02:45pm
File With 1.4 Billion Hacked And Leaked Passwords Found On The Dark Web. Lee Mathews)
While scanning the deep and dark web for stolen, leaked or lost data, 4iQ discovered a single file with a database of 1.4 billion clear text credentials — the largest aggregate database found in the dark web to date.
The 41GB dump was found on 5th December 2017 in an underground community forum. The database was recently updated with the last set of data inserted on 11/29/2017. The total amount of credentials (usernames/clear text password pairs) is 1,400,553,869.
We’ve found that although the majority of these breaches are known within the Breach and Hacker community, 14% of exposed username/passwords pairs had not previously been decrypted by the community and are now available in clear text. (Julio Casal Dec 9, 2017 1.4 Billion Clear Text Credentials Discovered in a Single Database)
One list, known as the “Anti Public Combo List“, contains 457,962,538 distinct email addresses, and although HIBP creator Troy Hunt, who first reported the discovery of the lists last Friday, has so far been unable to trace the source of the data, he believes it comes from multiple breaches rather than a single event. (Breach site finds 1 billion accounts in hacked datasets. Dale Walker. 9 May, 2017)
On Friday, Twitter user Chris Vickery teased world plus dog that he was going public on Monday with news of a massive data breach of 1.37 billion records. And that turned out to be as many as 1.37 billion contact details amassed by River City Media (RCM) – an internet marketing biz apparently based in Jackson, Wyoming, that claims to emit up to a billion emails a day.
The 200GB table includes real names, email addresses, IP addresses, and “often” physical addresses, it is claimed. Vickery said he “stumbled upon a suspicious, yet publicly exposed, collection of files,” and discovered the database and documents related to RCM. Among the millions and millions of contact details were chat logs and files exposing the sprawling RCM empire. It turns out the spamming, er, marketing biz has many tentacles and affiliates, mostly acting as web service providers and advertising operations. (That big scary 1.4bn leak was 100s of millions of email, postal addresses. Spammers, shockingly, hoard contact details on millions of netizens By John Leyden 7 Mar 2017 at 03:15 The Register)
I get a lot of requests from people for data from Have I been pwned (HIBP) that they can analyse. Now obviously, there are a bunch of people up to no good requesting the data but equally, there are many others who just want to run statistics. Regardless, the answer has always been “no”, I’m not going to redistribute data to you. In fact, the requests were happening so frequently that I even wrote the blog post No, I cannot share data breaches with you.
However, as part of HIBP’s 3rd birthday celebrations, I am going to share data with you, quite a lot of it. In fact, I’m opening up almost all the data in HIBP with a few very important caveats: (Here’s 1.4 billion records from Have I been pwned for you to analyse. 06 DECEMBER 2016
A Russian group has hacked 1.2 billion usernames and passwords belonging to more than 500 million email addresses, according to Hold Security – a US firm specialising in discovering breaches. Hold Security described the hack as the “largest data breach known to date”. It claimed the stolen information came from more than 420,000 websites, including “many leaders in virtually all industries across the world”. (Russia gang hacks 1.2 billion usernames and passwords (BBC 6 August 2014)
They took the personal and financial details of customers who made, or changed, bookings on or its app during that time. Names, email addresses and credit card information were stolen – including card numbers, expiration dates and the three digit CVC code required to authorise payments. Around 380,000 transactions were affected. (The British Airways hack is impressively bad. WIRED By MATT BURGESS Friday 7 September 2018)
地元メディアの北海道テレビ放送(HTB)の失態が非難を浴びている。HTBはテレビ朝日系列の地方局だが、地震報道にあたっていたスタッフ2名が6日に札幌市清田区で取材中、誤って液状化した泥に足を取られ身動きが取れなくなり、消防に救助される事態になったという。 産経新聞9月11日付記事によると、消防に救助されたのはHTBの女子アナウンサーと男性記者で、泥にはまったのは正午前、助け出されたのは17時半ごろだったという。(テレ朝系列局女子アナ、北海道地震取材で泥にはまり「6時間も消防を独占」で批判殺到 2018.09.11 Business Journal)
ビオール氏は、「ハゲタカ(悪徳)オープンアクセス出版」に対抗する活動で有名です。これは同氏が2010年に考え出した造語です。同年、彼は最初の悪徳学術誌リストを出版しました。そこに含まれていたのは20誌未満でしたが、その後このリストは増え続け、今では包括的な「ビオールのハゲタカ出版社リスト」(Beall’s List of Predatory Publishers)として知られています。(「『ハゲタカ出版社』は、あらゆる手を使ってまともな出版社のふりをします」Editage Insights 2015年7月24日 )
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International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology(IJACT)というコンピュータ科学分野のオープンアクセス(OA)雑誌が、“Get me off Your Fucking Mailing List”と題し、本文にも同じ内容が繰り返されているだけの論文を受理したことが、米コロラド大学デンバー校図書館のJeffrey Beall氏のブログで報じられています。(「そのメーリングリストから私を外せ」と繰り返し書かれているだけの論文が受理される Current Awareness Portal 2014年11月25日)
VIDEO: Authors beware: Avoid falling prey to predatory journals and bogus conferences (Interview with Dr. Anne Woods & Shawn Kennedy. Editage)
どの雑誌がハゲタカジャーナルでどの雑誌はそうではないのかがわかればいいのですが、時としてどっちか悩むジャーナルも存在します。みんなを悩ませているのがMDPI社の雑誌。商売上手で取り入るのが上手いので、いつの間にか認知されてしまっています。Web of ScienceやPubmedにも収載されており(一部とはいえ)、インパクトファクターもそこそこある雑誌もあるので、もはやハゲタカじゃね?などとは言えなくなっています。しかし、Beallさんのハゲタカジャーナルリストには過去には載っていたようです。MDPIの激しい抗議の結果リストから除外されたという経緯があります。
読書が趣味の子ども6,000とその知能の相関関係を調べた「Reading for pleasure puts children ahead in the classroom(快楽としての読者は子どもたちを教室で際立たせる)」という研究では、明らかに読書好きの子どものほうが学校の成績が優位で、とくに国語と算数においてその差が顕著に。読書量が多く、定期的に図書館へ行き、新聞も読む子どもたちの学力向上は、大卒の親がいることによる学力向上より、4倍も大きかったのです。(「本を読むと賢くなる」って、本当なの? 2017年6月6日 6時6分 TABI LABO)
東大理系の数学の問題が易しくなったというのは、数年前から一部教育界では話題になっていたが、その理由が「知識を詰めこむことよりも、持っている知識を関連付けて解を導く能力の高さを重視」というアドミッションポリシーを反映しているという土田先生のコメントに納得。「入試問題は、学校からのメッセージ」といわれるが、理系学部の数学という象徴的な科目での方向転換は、入試で燃え尽きるのではなく、入学後に力を発揮する学生を望んでいるというメッセージかもしれない。また、東大側の狙いとして、世間で言われている女子学生比率を3割にするという目標とともに、数学に強い私立中高一貫校出身者だけではなく、地方を含む全国公立校の生徒の入学比率を高めたいという狙いもあるのではないだろうか。(東大、なぜ数学の入試問題が近年易しくなっている?問題に込められたメッセージとは? 中曽根陽子/教育ジャーナリスト2018.06.30 Business Journal)
勉強ができる人とできない人に、そんなに差はないと私は思っています。将来こうなりたい、私はこれが好きだと思う気持ちが強ければ、無理なことはないと思うんです。最初の一歩を踏み出すのは難しくても、目指すところに向かう過程は楽しめるし、楽しんだ者勝ち。どうやったら楽しめるかという方法を自分なりに見つけて、がんばってみてください!(独自の勉強法で東大合格→4年で卒業! アイドル・桜雪に聞いた“確実に結果につながる勉強法” 2017年11月27日 TOWN WORK マガジン)
biscUiTは、2011年4月に創刊した、東大女子のためのフリーペーパーです。UTはUniversity of Tokyoを表しています。東大女子はどこにいてもマイノリティです。学内でも多数派は男子であり、男子を前提としていろいろな居場所が形成されています。そんな東大女子にとって「私たちの『ための』もの」がないのが現状です。このような中で、biscUiTは、東大女子が「これが私たちのものだ」と心から共感できるフリーペーパーを目指しています。
理系学部の数学という象徴的な科目での方向転換は、入試で燃え尽きるのではなく、入学後に力を発揮する学生を望んでいるというメッセージかもしれない。また、東大側の狙いとして、世間で言われている女子学生比率を3割にするという目標とともに、数学に強い私立中高一貫校出身者だけではなく、地方を含む全国公立校の生徒の入学比率を高めたいという狙いもあるのではないだろうか。(東大、なぜ数学の入試問題が近年易しくなっている?問題に込められたメッセージとは? 中曽根陽子/教育ジャーナリスト 2018.06.30 Business Journal)
結果的に物理化学は25年分、数学英語は30年分以上、国語は8年分くらい解きました。もしあなたの志望校が難関であれば、25カ年とかも発売されていると思いますから、過去問の入手が可能であれば、25年分は解くと良いと思います。センター試験が終わってから、1日1年分のペースで解けば、25年分くらいなら1ヶ月もかからず終わると思います。人によって意見は違うと思いますが、僕は、受験直前にすべき勉強は、基礎の確認よりも、演習をして試験本番でフルパワーを出せるようにする訓練の方だと思っています。そうすると、過去問演習に集中出来ますから、1日1年分なんて簡単に終わると思います。(【必見】東大生が教える過去問の解き方【いつから?何年分?】最終更新日:2018/8/9 STUDY FOR.)
A furry became an intern for NASA and got instantly fired after telling someone on their council to suck their dick because this is 2018.
Later, I learned she had lost her offer for an internship with NASA. This I had nothing to do with nor could I since I do not hire and fire at the agency or have any say on employment whatsoever. (Social Media, Tuesday, August 21, 2018 Homer Hickam キャッシュされたページ)
She reached out to me with an unnecessary apology which I heartily accepted and returned with my own. After talking to her and looking at her resume’, I am certain she deserves a position in the aerospace industry and I’m doing all I can to secure her one that will be better than she lost. (Social Media, Tuesday, August 21, 2018 Homer Hickam キャッシュされたページ)
「dog dog dog dog dog dog dog…..」「more more more more more more…..」と、知っている単語を30回も書かなければいけないのか?例えば[increase][explain]のような馴染みの無い単語を復習させたり予習させたりするためならまだしも、「勉強できる子・できない子」「既に知っている子・知らない子」を全てひっくるめて特定の単語や漢字を特定の回数書かせることに、何の意味があろう … 「H 水素 H 水素 H 水素……..」と100回書かせる。一体、何がしたいのだ??? … 「それは極端な例でしょ」と思われるかも知れないが、本当にフツーに存在している宿題なのだよ。(「宿題代行問題」を論ずる コメンテーター気取りで言いたい放題(時々雑談)w 2017-09-01 22:13:21)
「宿題代行サービス」利用増加…子どもの課題を大人が手伝うのはアリ?(dmenu TOKYO MX+2018年07月12日17時45分) 田中みな実がメインMCをつとめるTOKYO MXの情報バラエティ生番組「ひるキュン!」。6月28日(木)放送「人生のベテラン調査室」のコーナーでは、「学校の課題、大人が手伝うのはあり?」というテーマで街頭調査をしました。
Systematic review and meta-analysis of glyphosate exposure and risk of lymphohematopoietic cancers.J Environ Sci Health B. 2016 Jun 2; 51(6): 402–434. Published online 2016 Mar 25. doi: 10.1080/03601234.2016.1142748
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma and occupational exposure to agricultural pesticide chemical groups and active ingredients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2014 Apr 23;11(4):4449-527.
Decision-making in a storm of discontent (Science 01 Jun 2018:Vol. 360, Issue 6392, pp. 958-960) On 12 December 2017, the European Commission reapproved the use of glyphosate, the world’s most widely used active ingredient in herbicides and possibly the most heavily debated plant protection product since DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), for another 5-year period (1).
How Toxic is the World’s Most Popular Herbicide Roundup? (Feb 7, 2018 KATARINA ZIMMER TheScientist) Over the years, regulatory agencies have evaluated its potential effects on non-target organisms. However, recent assessments seem to be focused on carcinogenicity and genotoxicity of glyphosate, notes Deborah Kurrasch, a neuroscientist at the University of Calgary.
Full Committee Hearing – In Defense of Scientific Integrity: Examining the IARC Monograph Programme and Glyphosate Review (Date: Tuesday, February 6, 2018 – 10:00 am Committee on Science, Space , & Technology) (2:43:43 YOUTUBE動画あり)
Germany swings EU vote in favor of weed-killer glyphosate (Philip Blenkinsop REUTERS NOVEMBER 27, 2017 / 11:50 PM) Germany defeated its key EU ally France in a very tight vote on Monday to clear the use of weed-killer glyphosate for the next five years after a heated debate over whether it causes cancer.
Debating Glyphosate (By Catherine Hardy with REUTERS• last updated: 05/10/2017) Europe has been debating for two years whether to allow the weed-killer, used in Monsanto’s Roundup, with no clear majority of countries for or against a license extension and concerns it is carcinogenic.
Glyphosate: the real science Will new studies that confirm the safety of glyphosate actually stop politicians from banning an essential herbicide? (By Gerald Pilger)
‘Don’t allow Monsanto’s RoundUp,’ US cancer victims warn EU (DW Date 05.10.2017
Author Simon Thompson) “In fact Monsanto organized the whole scientific evidence in such a way that there was a real manipulation of facts. They have rewritten scientific reports citing authors who didn’t write the reports themselves, that were in fact written by Monsanto people,” says Barth Staes, a Belgian Green Party MEP.
Monsanto and Glyphosate – Glyphosate Not the Only Ingredient in Roundup Proper Gander 2016/03/09 に公開 YOUTUBE動画11:03 毒性に関する論文を紹介したビデオ
Debate Over Potential Cancer Risk of Widely Used Herbicide (By The Doctors Staff on 7:01 AM PDT, May 18, 2015) The Doctors invite Donna Farmer, a toxicologist with the Product Safety Center at Monsanto, the company that produces the herbicide (known commercially as Roundup), as well as Jeffery Smith, founder of the Institute for Responsible Technology and author of Seeds of Deception. モンサント社の研究者が疑問に答える動画(3:38)
The Glyphosate Debate (The Doctors YOUTUBE 2015/05/18 に公開 10:48) The Doctors and toxicologist Donna Farmer discuss a recent report issued by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, which states that glyphosate, a widely used herbicide, may cause cancer in humans. モンサント社の研究者が疑問に答える動画
Inhibition by Roundup
Dr. David Coombs: Science and Mechanism of Glyphosate PART 1 (16:48)
全国学力テストとは、小学6年・中学3年を対象にした「全国学力・学習状況調査」のことです。2007年度から全員参加式のテストとして始まり、民主党政権下で3割抽出方式に変更されましたが、2013年には4年ぶりに全員参加式に戻っています。(「全国学力テスト」成績公表、何が問題になってるの? THE PAGE 2013.10.31 12:08)
The idea of burnout was formed by Herbert Freudenberger in 1974 as wearing down or draining out of energy (Freudenberger & North, 1985). In addition, Freudenberger (1974), state that burnout “is not a situation that gets better by being ignored. (Study of Burnout in English Language Teachers
PROVIDENCE — Welcome to Shiru Cafe. Keep your cash. The coffee is free, as long as you are a university student and drink your beverage in-house. The catch? You must give up some personal information: your name, your e-mail, your age, your field of study, your professional interests. And open yourself up to communications from Shiru’s corporate sponsors — companies that pay the cafe to reach its clients. (Free coffee — with a catch — is coming to Massachusetts By Graham Ambrose GLOBE CORRESPONDENT Boston Globe JULY 14, 2018)
Shiru Cafe, part of an international chain that offers free drinks, is under construction at 165 Angell St. The cafe — which is slated to open this February 21 steps from CareerLAB — will be the first Shiru to open in the United States. Shiru works with sponsor companies like Microsoft and Accenture in Japan to create a comfortable space for students, faculty and staff. Those who register using their smartphones will have access to free drinks, Wi-Fi, electrical outlets and study spaces, along with the opportunity to connect with sponsor companies through meetups at the café. (Cafe to connect students with sponsor companies. By ALLIE REED THE BROWN DAILY HERALD Dec 4, 2017)
A new cafe with a groundbreaking business model has selected Providence as its first U.S. testing site. Deliberately situated in close proximity to Brown University, right off the corner of Thayer and Angell Streets, SHIRU CAFE is slated to officially open its doors for business this month.
How can SHIRU offer free beverages? Through sponsorships from corporations eager to cultivate relationships with students that they hope to someday employ. Over the school year, up to 30 companies will schedule small group meetups and information sessions through the cafe with interested students. And cups feature a rotating selection of sponsor company logos. (Free Drinks, with a CatchA new cafe for the Brown community comes to the East Side. By Amanda M. Grosvenor PROVIDENCE MONTHLY Posted March 21, 2018)
SHIRU CAFE, the Fashionable Cafe of Japan and India, Will Finally Be Launched in the US (Business Wire Dec 11, 2017 11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time)
At Shiru Coffee, Drinks Are Free for College Kids Who Heed Corporate Sponsors ( Nick Brown, DAILY COFFEE NEWS Dec 13, 2017)