外部資金の獲得は大学にとっても研究者にとっても重要な問題です。国の助成事業に基づいてURA (University Research Administrator; URA)が大学に配置され研究支援体制が整えられてきている大学が増加している一方で、URA雇用の財源が確保できず研究支援が手薄の大学では、孤軍奮闘している研究者も多いと思います。
Ghrelin was discovered after the ghrelin receptor (called growth hormone secretagogue type 1A receptor or GHS-R) was determined in 1999. The hormone name is based on its role as a growth hormone-releasing peptide, with reference to the Proto-Indo-European root gʰre-, meaning “to grow”.
Physiology of Ghrelin Animation: USMLE Step 1 Dr.G Bhanu Prakash Animated Medical Videos チャンネル登録者数 109万人
Leptin and Ghrelin hormones mechanism of action | Physiology : USMLE Step 1 Dr.G Bhanu Prakash Animated Medical Videos チャンネル登録者数 109万人
Kojima, M., Hosoda, H., Date, Y. et al.Ghrelin is a growth-hormone-releasing acylated peptide from stomach.Nature402, 656–660 (1999). https://doi.org/10.1038/45230
Shiimura, Y., Horita, S., Hamamoto, A. et al. Structure of an antagonist-bound ghrelin receptor reveals possible ghrelin recognition mode. Nat Commun11, 4160 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-17554-1
総説 グレリンの発見から臨床応用まで:古き良き発見の時代に 児島 将康 久留米大学分子生命科学研究所遺伝情報研究部門 2023年2月25日 Journal of Japanese Biochemical Society 95(1): 5-16 (2023) doi:10.14952/SEIKAGAKU.2023.950005
Matthew Cobb, Who discovered messenger RNA?, Current Biology, Volume 25, Issue 13, 2015, Pages R526-R532, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2015.05.032. The announcement of the discovery of messenger RNA (mRNA) and the cracking of the genetic code took place within weeks of each other in a climax of scientific excitement during the summer of 1961. Although mRNA is of decisive importance to our understanding of gene function, no Nobel Prize was awarded for its discovery. The large number of people involved, the complex nature of the results, and the tortuous path that was taken over half a century ago, all show that simple claims of priority may not reflect how science works.
Genetic nature of the genetic code for proteins. Crick, Barnett, Brenner, and Watts-Tobin. Nature 192, pages1227–1232 (1961) 有料
MUSIC DIRECTOR REACTS | YOASOBI / Idol (「アイドル」English Ver. ) DrumRollTony Reacts チャンネル登録者数 21.5万人 “Oh, my god. I love it. This is done so well.” “The key change means a lot more now.”
YOASOBI 「アイドル ] IDOL | Oshi No Ko 英語バージョンの反応 GazMASH Cuts! チャンネル登録者数 4.11万人 “It makes so much sense now.”
Rapper Re-Reacts to YOASOBI ‘IDOL’「アイドル」English Ver. | Oshi No Ko OP A2R + チャンネル登録者数 9610人 “Even from the jump, it’s just hitting different.”
Initial Discussion and Reaction Reacting to English Version of YOASOBI – Idol「アイドル」Official Music Video [Oshi no Ko OP] David & Roiess チャンネル登録者数 2240人 “My leg hairs are actually standing, Bro.” “So, good.”
YOASOBI – “Idol” (English Ver.) REACTION | Oshi no Ko Opening Reaction Neel Desai チャンネル登録者数 11.3万人 “Watching this with lyrics, now it makes sense.”
MUSICIAN First Time Reaction to – YOASOBI「アイドル」Idol – Oshi No Ko OP – Singer Reaction Millie Mochi Anime チャンネル登録者数 6200人
Reacting to YOASOBI – IDOL ENGLISH VERSION (OSHI NO KO OP) MV REACTION Defiant With Style チャンネル登録者数 4.98万人
Drummer React to Idol by Yoasobi English Version (from Oshi no Ko) Covers & Commentary チャンネル登録者数 5280人 “They could not have picked better lyrics for the English version. Holy crap!”
First Time Hearing Idol (「アイドル」English Ver. ) | Oshi No Ko | YAOSOBI | Reaction Marp チャンネル登録者数 5010人 “It’s like perfect. It’s translated to English but at the same time, it’s giving the same flow and everything.” ”This captured that same essence of the Japanese version and still kept it but in English! Perfect! Amazing! “