学術誌を評価する指標としてジャーナルインパクトファクター(クラリベイト社がデータベースWeb of Scienceに基づいて算出)が有名ですが、同様のデータベースScopusを擁するエルゼビアは新たな学術誌評価のための指標としてCiteScoreなるものを2016年に発表しました。インパクトファクターに比べると、ほとんど耳にすることがないと思います。
In December 2016, Elsevier launched a new journal metric, CiteScore, that takes direct aim at the hegemony of the Impact Factor, a product of Clarivate Analytics (formerly part of Thomson Reuters.) The two companies already have competing bibliographical citation databases in Scopus (Elsevier) and the Web of Science (Clarivate).
The Impact Factor has had a long reign in academe. Beginning in 1975 as a byproduct of the Science Citation Index, it provided a unique, objective means of rating journals based on their citations and quickly became a standard measure of journal quality. When someone says they want a journal’s impact factor they really mean the Impact Factor from Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and nothing else.
CiteScore 2016: How does it work?
Undoubtedly Elsevier will always have better records on their own journals than others used to generate CiteScore.
The Web of Science, across all databases, indexes 32,925 journals vs. the 22,256 in Scopus.
We carefully weed out any predatory and non-peer-reviewed journals
(December 14, 2016 CiteScore: A Non-Rival for the Journal Impact Factor clarivate.com)
2018年ノーベル化学賞は酵素進化工学のFrances H. Arnold博士, ファージディスプレイのGeorge P. Smith博士、Sir Gregory P. Winter博士の3氏に授与されました。
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the #NobelPrize in Chemistry 2018 with one half to Frances H. Arnold and the other half jointly to George P. Smith and Sir Gregory P. Winter. pic.twitter.com/lLGivVLttB
“In almost no time we can reject half our applicant pool just by looking at their cover letters,” says Susan Lord, associate professor of electrical engineering at the University of San Diego. (The Basics of Cover Letter Writing By Richard M. Reis MARCH 03, 2000 THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION)
Research the responsibilities associated with each of these positions, and include only information relevant to the specific position – don’t waste valuable space on irrelevant experiences. (Cover letter for a faculty position, BROAD INSTITUTE)
I am writing to apply for the tenure-track position in mathematics as advertised on the Employment Information in the Mathematical Sciences List. (hwpi.harvard.edu)
I am writing to apply to the tenure-track position of Assistant Professor in the Department of Bioengineering at the R1 University Y (RUY). (career.ucsf.edu)
I am writing to apply for the position of Assistant Professor in Structural Engineering beginning Fall 2014, as advertised on your department website. (Cover Letters for Academic Positions grad.illinois.edu)
I am writing in response to your notice in the October MLA Job Information List for the
position of Assistant Professor of Spanish. … (vpul.upenn.edu)
I am writing to apply for the open tenure-track faculty position in the English Department at New Parkland Univeristy. … (livecareer.com)
Cover letter for a faculty position, BROAD INSTITUTE マサチューセッツ工科大学
Communications Biology fills a specific need within the Nature Research portfolio for a high-quality, broad-scope biology journal publishing work of importance to fellow researchers without the need for articles to be of broad, general interest outside a specialist community—a theme that extends to our sister journals, Communications Chemistry and Communications Physics. (Introducing Communications Biology. Editorial)(太字強調は当サイト)
Communications Chemistry is an open access, peer reviewed journal that will publish research, reviews and commentary in the chemical sciences. We will be publishing our first articles in early March.
Comms Physics@CommsPhys A new @nresearchnews journal that will publish high quality primary research, reviews and commentary in all areas of the physical sciences.
Nature Communications Q&A (Science in the Open 16 November 2009):”At present NPG does not provide a rapid publishing opportunity for authors with high-quality specialist work within the Nature branded titles. The launch of Nature Communications aims to address that editorial need.”
NHKが入手したのは、文部科学省が元高等教育局長の天下りをあっせんしたことを隠すため、関係者の口裏合わせ用に作成した想定問答の文書です。文部科学省は、今回、元局長の天下りを直接、早稲田大学に打診していましたが、想定問答では、実際とは逆に大学側が受け入れを希望し、かつて大学に在籍した文部科学省のOBが仲介したことにしています。(天下りあっせん 文科省が隠蔽工作 口裏合わせ文書入手 NHK NEWS WEB 1月23日 19時21分)
文科省から天下りを受け入れる理由について、都内の私大の理事は「今の私立大は行政の援助なしに経営が成り立たない。その上、私学への補助金は大学や研究によって重点配分する傾向がでてきている。そのときに文科省のOBがいるかどうかでは大きく違う」と指摘。中部地区の国立大関係者は「各大学は補助金を減らされたり、新学部設置の際などに、文科省の嫌がらせを受けないよう、天下り職員を使い、政府や文科省の意向を探っている」と話す。(大学再就職 5年で49人 文科省天下り問題 東京新聞 TOKYO Web 2017年1月21日 朝刊)
会見で鎌田学長は、吉田氏を採用した経緯について「高等教育に関する高い知見を有していて、本学の教授にふさわしいと判断し、採用を決定しました。この採用は『再就職の規制に抵触せず、正規の採用手続きが退職後に開始されたものであれば問題ない』という文部科学省の人事課の見解に基づいて進めたものです」と説明しました。(文科省天下りあっせん 再就職の早稲田大教授が辞職 NHK NEWS WEB 1月20日 17時11分)
文部科学省の幹部らが元幹部の大学への再就職をあっせんしていた問題で、調査に当たった政府の「再就職等監視委員会」は調査結果を公表し、人事課職員が元幹部とともに履歴書を作成して大学に送るなど法律に違反する行為をしていたことや、文部科学省が組織的な天下りを38件行っていたことなどを明らかにしました。(文科省の組織的な天下りは38件 監視委 NHK NEWS WEB 1月20日 18時46分)
This month, eLife is announcing that a fee for publication of $2,500 (USD) will take effect on January 1, 2017. All papers submitted from January 1 will be subject to the fee if they are accepted for publication, although authors with insufficient funding will be eligible for a fee waiver. (Inside eLife: Setting a fee for publication Thursday, September 29, 2016)
Genotype to phenotype link and nearneutrality in evolution
0:07- Staffan Normark氏(Permanent Secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)の開催の挨拶
4:26- Hans Ellegren氏(the Crafoord Prize Committee)による紹介
12:45- 太田朋子博士の講演
Crafoord Days 2015 (The Crafoord Prize公式ウェブサイト):シンポジウムなどのレクチャー動画が視聴できます。
Crafoord Days 2015, 5–7 May in Stockholm and Lund, Sweden(プログラム冊子PDF 20ページ)
The Crafoord Prize in Biosciences 2015 (The Crafoord Prize プレスリリース 2015-01-15):”The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the 2015 Crafoord Prize in Biosciences to Richard Lewontin, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, and Tomoko Ohta, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Japan “for their pioneering analyses and fundamental contributions to the understanding of genetic polymorphism”.”
Tomoko Ohta Current Biology Volume 22, Issue 16, 21 August 2012, Pages R618–R619
(カレントバイオロジー誌に掲載されたインタビュー記事)What turned you on to biology and to your particular field of study?
TOMOKO OHTA (Profiles, Perspectives on molecular evolution, caltech.edu)
Professor Richard Lewontin awarded the 2015 Crafoord Prize in Biosciences (Harvard gazette January 15, 2015):”Until the 1960s, biologists believed that most individuals in a population were fairly similar, genetically speaking. But Richard Lewontin made the revolutionary discovery that genetic variation between individuals in a population was actually very different, and that the variation was many times greater thane expected. The results were published in Genetics in 1966 and aroused a great deal of attention.”
ABSTRACT Genome editing tools such as the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)-associated system (Cas) have been widely used to modify genes in model systems including animal zygotes and human cells, and hold tremendous promise for both basic research and clinical applications. To date, a serious knowledge gap remains in our understanding of DNA repair mechanisms in human early embryos, and in the efficiency and potential off-target effects of using technologies such as CRISPR/Cas9 in human pre-implantation embryos. In this report, we used tripronuclear (3PN) zygotes to further investigate CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing in human cells. We found that CRISPR/Cas9 could effectively cleave the endogenous β-globin gene (HBB). However, the efficiency of homologous recombination directed repair (HDR) of HBB was low and the edited embryos were mosaic. Off-target cleavage was also apparent in these 3PN zygotes as revealed by the T7E1 assay and whole-exome sequencing. Furthermore, the endogenous delta-globin gene (HBD), which is homologous to HBB, competed with exogenous donor oligos to act as the repair template, leading to untoward mutations. Our data also indicated that repair of the HBB locus in these embryos occurred preferentially through the non-crossover HDR pathway. Taken together, our work highlights the pressing need to further improve the fidelity and specificity of the CRISPR/Cas9 platform, a prerequisite for any clinical applications of CRSIPR/Cas9-mediated editing. (http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13238-015-0153-5/fulltext.html)
PROTEIN & CELL誌を発行しているのはシュプリンガー(Springer)社ですが、チーフエディターが中国の人で、他のエディターも5人中4人が中国、ボードメンバーも66人中26人が中国の人です。また、この雑誌は通常の学術論文を掲載するだけでなく、特に、
Presents research highlights, news and views, and commentaries covering research policies and funding trends in China (http://www.springer.com/life+sciences/biochemistry+%26+biophysics/journal/13238)
Protein & Cellis a peer-reviewed open access journal published monthly. The open access fees (article-processing charges) for this journal are kindly sponsored by Higher Education Press, Beijing Institutes of Life Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Biophysical Society of China. Authors can publish in the journal without any additional charges.(http://www.springer.com/life+sciences/biochemistry+%26+biophysics/journal/13238)
First experiment ‘editing’ human embryos ignites ethical furor (Reuters Apr 23, 2015):”Biologists in China reported carrying out the first experiment to alter the DNA of human embryos, igniting an outcry from scientists who warn against altering the human genome in a way that could last for generations.”
「コンピュータチップに集積されるトランジスターの数は2年ごとに倍に増えるだろう」(The number of transistors incorporated on a computer chip will double every 2 years. )という経験則、いわゆる「ムーアの法則」が1965年に提唱されてから、今年で50周年になります。
Intel celebrates 50th Anniversary of Moore’s Law w. Gordon Moore
ムーアの法則が終焉する理由をDerek McAuley教授が解説。
Is it the End for Moore’s Law? – Computerphile
Moore’s Law and The Secret World Of Ones And Zeroes
Moore’s law is the observation that, over the history of computing hardware, the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit has doubled approximately every two years. (Wikipedia)