Daily Archives: April 15, 2016

恒星間航行を極小宇宙船団で ロシア富豪が計画



プロジェクトを説明するユーリ・ミルナー(Yuri Milner)氏。
Stephen Hawking space “Breakthrough Starshot” (1時間12分55秒)


  1. アルファ・ケンタウリにナノ探査ロボット群を送るStarshot計画発足。20年以内が目標、ホーキング博士とFacebookのザッカーバーグ、ロシア富豪が推進(engadget日本語版 BY Ittousai 2016年04月13日):”ロシアの実業家 Yuri Milner とスティーブン・ホーキング博士が、太陽系から約4.3光年離れたアルファ・ケンタウリへ20年かけて探査機を送る恒星間探査計画 Breakthrough Starshot を発表しました。わずか20年で隣の恒星系に到達するために、推進方式には光推進システムを採用。地上に巨大なレーザー発振設備「ライトビーマー」を多数建造し、宇宙に浮かぶわずか数グラムの超小型探査機「ナノクラフト」群が展開するライトセイルに100ギガワット級のレーザー光線を照射することで、一気に光速の20%ま で加速する構想です。”
  2. Reaching for the Stars, Across 4.37 Light-Years (New York Times, By DENNIS OVERBYE APRIL 12, 2016) :”Can you fly an iPhone to the stars? In an attempt to leapfrog the planets and vault into the interstellar age, a bevy of scientists and other luminaries from Silicon Valley and beyond, led by Yuri Milner, a Russian philanthropist and Internet entrepreneur, announced a plan on Tuesday to send a fleet of robot spacecraft no bigger than iPhones to Alpha Centauri, the nearest star system, 4.37 light-years away. If it all worked out — a cosmically big “if” that would occur decades and perhaps $10 billion from now — a rocket would deliver a “mother ship” carrying a thousand or so small probes to space. Once in orbit, the probes would unfold thin sails and then, propelled by powerful laser beams from Earth, set off one by one like a flock of migrating butterflies across the universe.”
  3. Yuri Milner, Stephen Hawking’s Breakthrough Starshot targets Alpha Centauri     $128M initiative will seek Earth-like planet 40 trillion kilometres away (Thomson Reuters Posted: Apr 12, 2016 1:28 PM ET):”Billionaire internet investor Yuri Milner announced another $128 million ($100 million US) initiative on Tuesday to better understand the cosmos, this time by deploying thousands of tiny spacecraft to travel to our nearest neighboring star system and send back pictures. If successful, scientists could determine if Alpha Centauri, a star system about 40 trillion kilometres (25 trillion miles) away, contains an Earth-like planet capable of sustaining life.”