



Women like chocolate more than men.




‘… the starch yielded more glucose than maltose


say either
‘… than did maltose
‘… starch produced a greater yield of glucose than of maltose’.

(出典:Vernon Booth. Writing a Scientific Paper.Biochem. Soc. Trans. 3 (1) 1-26 (1975))




He also went to China.「彼”も”中国に行った」または、「彼は中国に”も”行った」 (https://oshiete.goo.ne.jp/qa/1657213.html)


Contestant Amanda Hammer Harris tells the judges that her father was Jack Hammer, who wrote “Great Balls of Fire.” Growing up, she didn’t know him, but they made up just before he died. Contestant Amalia Watty also didn’t know her dad; she moved from Anguilla to New York to be near him, but that didn’t work out, so she uses the pain to motivate her singing. (https://www.thestar.com/entertainment/television/opinion/2018/03/21/is-american-idol-a-singing-competition-or-a-group-therapy-session.html)


Bacon notes that studies can be enjoyable, and they can also be useful (whether for developing critical thinking skills or learning something for one’s profession). But he also notes that if done too much, studying could lead to “sloth”— laziness (in other words, if all you do is study, you won’t make the time to apply what you’ve learned and use your knowledge in a positive way). Bacon also believed that certain subjects could enhance different abilities— for example, mathematics can improve concentration, poetry can enhance one’s “wit” (what we today would call a sense of humor), and studying history can expand one’s wisdom.






use different terms for the same thing, for example, building, construction, obstacle and bluff body for one and the same study object. Yes, in high school you were probably taught to avoid repeating the same words, and to use comparisons and metaphors, etc. Forget that. (https://www.elsevier.com/authors-update/story/publishing-tips/10-tips-for-writing-a-truly-terrible-journal-article ダメな論文を書くための10のコツ)




対処方法としては、this単独で使わずに、this observation,やthis resultのように意味をさらに限定すれば、読みやすくなるでしょう。また、代名詞を使うことを避けて、繰り返しをいとわずに同じ名詞をもう一度使えば曖昧さが生じません。



論文はcrystal clearに書けとよく言われます。通常の読者だけでなく、そそっかしい読者、英語が苦手な外国人、英語のスタイルが若干異なる英語圏の国の老若男女、英語のスタイルやイディオムの意味が多少変化しているかもしれない100年後の読者、その研究内容に関する知識が無い人などなど、どんな人が読んでも意味が一意にしか定まらないような英文を書くことが大切です。



  1. Single words and phrases that we see and often have to correct (Astronomy & Astrophysics) よくある英語の語法の間違いと、正しい使い方 一覧



  1. Liumbruno et al., How to write a scientific manuscript for publication. Blood Transfus. 2013 Apr; 11(2): 217–226. doi: 10.2450/2012.0247-12 PMCID: PMC3626472
  2. Tips for Academic Writing and Other Formal Writing Write what you mean, mean what you write For instance, we often speak informally of “going the extra mile”, “at the end of the day”, “hard facts”, things being “crystal clear”  …  if there was no crystal, do not write about its clarity.

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