例文 Several studies have shown important roles for immune cells in tissue homeostasis. Tissue-resident innate immune cells can play a role in regeneration of the gut (Lindemans et al., 2015, Saha et al., 2016) and other tissues (Aurora and Olson, 2014, Stappenbeck and Miyoshi, 2009). (例文の引用元:https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(18)31316-3)
この例文では、一つ目の文では一般的な事柄、抽象的な事柄が述べられていて、次の文ではそれを具体化した内容が書かれています。For example, など具体例を出すためのつなぎ言葉は使われていませんが、意味的に明らかなので文のつながりはスムーズに感じられます。
several studies (一般)→論文紹介(具体)
immune cells (一般)→tissue-resident innate immune cells(具体)
tissue homeostasis(一般)→regeneration of the gut(具体)
例文 How does the anatomic map translate into a functional map? Previous imaging studies in large insects and vertebrates demonstrate that different odors elicit defined spatial patterns of glomerular activation, revealing a functional representation of anatomic map (文献).(例文の引用元:https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(03)00004-7)