
教育の罠(teaching trap)に嵌らずに研究のアクティビティを維持させる戦略について



かなりの数(数十~数百のオーダー)の応募書類を書き,ほぼ全ての大学から不採用を告げられ,いくつかの大学から面接に呼ばれ,そのうちの一つの大学からオファーをもらえば,例えその大学が何処のどのような大学であろうと御の字と考えなければならないのが現状である.(【大学教員への道】有益な書籍・サイト akt37 2013年9月7日




多くの教員は業績があって採用されて、その後成果を上げられなくなっていっています。特に最近は。なぜか?まず週に講義を5-6コマ担当し、入試・教務・学生委員会など委員に選ばれれば必ず出る必要のあるさぼれない委員会や会議が週平均1.5回くらいあります。校費は昔は100万以上あったのが今は10-40万です。大手の大学と違って、卒業研究の指導も教授自ら真剣に手取り足取りやる必要があります。そのうちちょっとデキの良い学生は大手の大学の大学院に行ってしまい、自分のところには誰も来ないか、来ても2年間バイトにあけくれるモラトリアム組です。そして、論文も急速に出なくなり、着任当時は当たっていた科研費も次第に当たらなくなります。(ポスドクから見たダメ教員 5号館のつぶやき 2007年 10月 28日)


教育の罠(teaching trap)とは

I’m remembering what it felt like to spend so much time on teaching because I’ve been inundated the past two weeks by new faculty who are frustrated about how much time, energy and effort they are spending on teaching and service and how little is “left over” for research and writing. (The Teaching Trap. Armando Bengochea March 15, 2010)

Teaching Trapの定義:

The trap is when new tenure-track faculty spend the vast majority of their time on teaching at the expense of their research and writing and then find that their limited research productivity endangers their ability to be promoted at their current institution, or move to another one. (The Teaching Trap. Armando Bengochea March 15, 2010)


教育の罠(teaching trap)に嵌らない方法


Concentrate on your research. If your research is good, no one will care if you can teach. After all, when was the last time someone got tenure for being a good teacher? (Academic Scientists at Work: To Teach or Not to Teach? By Jeremy M. Boss, Susan H. EckertMay. 9, 2003 , 8:00 AM sciencemag.org)

Put research and publishing ahead of the needs of your students. You can be a good teacher after you get tenure.

Once you have established your classes, do not reinvent the wheel every
semester. Make small tweaks to improve classes, do not overhaul unless directed to from the outside. (Getting Started on the Tenure Track: Challenges and Strategies for Success Article in Schole · January 2019 DOI: 10.1080/1937156X.2019.1589804)


  1. Tribal, proletarian and entrepreneurial career stories: junior academics as a case in point November 2015Studies in Higher Education 42(7):1-17 DOI:10.1080/03075079.2015.1092129 Authors: Oili-Helena Ylijoki Lea Henriksson 無料要旨 Drawing upon a narrative approach, five career stories are constructed: the Novice of the Academic Elite, the Victim of the Teaching Trap, the Academic Worker, the Research Group Member and the Academic Freelancer.
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