そんなこともあって、いまどき、ネイチャー(Nature)、サイエンス(Science)、セル(Cell)(生命科学分野の場合)、あるいはそれらの姉妹紙などにファーストオーサーの論文を出していないと、アカデミックな世界でジョブマーケットに出て行くことが難しいという現実があります。テニュアトラック制度に乗っているPI(Principal Investigator)も、自分のラボからこのようなトップジャーナルに論文を出さないとテニュア獲得の可能性が下がるでしょう。
それでは一体、Natureなどのハイプロファイルジャーナル(High-profile journals)に論文を出すための秘訣や戦略のようなものは存在するのでしょうか?
http://www.jbr-pub.org/UploadFile/Nature%20Writing%20Workshop.pdf 30ページ)
良い論文というのは、我々の自然に対する理解を深めるような研究報告です。つまりConceptual Advanceがなければいけません。Conceptual Advanceがどのようなもので、それが論文掲載の決定にどう関わってくるかに関しては、
Novelty and conceptual advance
• Anything that has not been published before is novel, but not all
novel findings are considered interesting, or of sufficient conceptual
advance, for a journal
• Different journals use different criteria to gauge the level of
conceptual advance and readers’ potential interest
Common types of conceptual advance
• Unexpected phenomenon
• Never before seen
• Mechanistic insight
• Technical breakthrough
• Resource value
(参照:ネイチャーライティングワークショップ http://www.jbr-pub.org/UploadFile/Nature%20Writing%20Workshop.pdf 19ページ)
How to Publish in Nature – Leslie Sage (SETI Talks)
The judgement about which papers will interest a broad readership is made by Nature‘s editors, not its referees. One reason is because each referee sees only a tiny fraction of the papers submitted and is deeply knowledgeable about one field, whereas the editors, who see all the papers submitted, can have a broader perspective and a wider context from which to view the paper. (http://www.nature.com/nature/authors/get_published/)
Nature, Nature Physics and Nature Communicationsなどの編集者も務めたDan Csontos博士が、ネイチャーに論文を出す秘訣を解説。
How to get published in top-ranked journals
Dr Dan Csontos. He is a science writer, editor and publishing consultant at Elevate Scientific, based in Lund, Sweden. Before founding Elevate he was a science editor with the international journals Nature, Nature Physics and Nature Communications, and a science editor and project manager with Macmillan Science Communications in London.
- Foundation Scientific Writing and Publishing Workshop:Trainers: Dr.Myles Axton (Nature Genetics Chief Editor), Dr.Wayne Peng (Formerly an Associate Editor, Nature)(ネイチャーライティングワークショップ 284 page PDF)
- How to get published in Nature (and its sister journals) Ed Gerstner,Executive Editor. Nature Communications. March 2014 (PDF link)
- How to get published in Nature Publishing Group Journals. By Nick Campbell.Assistant Publisher and Executive Editor NPG Nature Asia-Pacific (PDFリンク)
- Publishing your research in Nature journals, Myles Axton, Chief Editor, Nature Genetics. Taiwan, November 2014. (37 pages PDFリンク)
- How to get published in Nature Communications. Nicky Dean, Associate Editor Nature Communications. (PDF link)
- Scientific writing 101 (Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, Feb 2010;17(29):139 EDITORIAL)(PDF link)
- Getting published in Nature: the editorial process (nature.com)
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