
【追悼】笹井芳樹博士(1962- 2014)

笹井芳樹氏の業績や人柄を偲ぶ追悼文がNature, Development, Cell Stem Cellなどの学術誌に寄稿されています。

“.. Yoshiki struck me as a happy scientist. He spoke softly and with a unique smile as he described Japanese traditions or revealed his astonishing findings. .. Sasai was a master at deciphering the code by which cells learn their place in a developing embryo. .. Yoshiki Sasai (1962–2014):Stem-cell biologist who decoded signals in embryos. Arturo Alvarez-Buylla. Nature 513,34 (04 September 2014) doi:10.1038/513034a

“.. Yoshiki had an unmatched ability to decipher the embryo—specifically, to uncover how this developmental marvel generates the extraordinary diversity of cell types that become organized into unique structures, like the pituitary gland, the brain, or the eye. .. “ Obituary Yoshiki Sasai (1962–2014). Arnold R. Kriegsteinemail DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.stem.2014.08.007 Cell Stem Cell Volume 15, Issue 3, p265–266, 4 September 2014

“.. Yoshiki had a unique ability to see things clearly while others
were left wandering in the dark. .. “ OBITUARY Yoshiki Sasai: stem cell Sensei
Stefano Piccolo Development (2014) 141, 1-2 doi:10.1242/dev.116509

理化学研究所 発生・再生科学総合研究センター(理研CDB)も笹井氏の業績を詳細に解説した追悼サイトを公開しました。

芳樹博士を偲んで (http://www.cdb.riken.jp/jp/10_otr/1001_index.html)

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