

学術誌を評価する指標としてジャーナルインパクトファクター(クラリベイト社がデータベースWeb of Scienceに基づいて算出)が有名ですが、同様のデータベースScopusを擁するエルゼビアは新たな学術誌評価のための指標としてCiteScoreなるものを2016年に発表しました。インパクトファクターに比べると、ほとんど耳にすることがないと思います。

In December 2016, Elsevier launched a new journal metric, CiteScore, that takes direct aim at the hegemony of the Impact Factor, a product of Clarivate Analytics (formerly part of Thomson Reuters.) The two companies already have competing bibliographical citation databases in Scopus (Elsevier) and the Web of Science (Clarivate).

The Impact Factor has had a long reign in academe. Beginning in 1975 as a byproduct of the Science Citation Index, it provided a unique, objective means of rating journals based on their citations and quickly became a standard measure of journal quality. When someone says they want a journal’s impact factor they really mean the Impact Factor from Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and nothing else.

CiteScore 2016: How does it work?

  1. Undoubtedly Elsevier will always have better records on their own journals than others used to generate CiteScore.
  2. The Web of Science, across all databases, indexes 32,925 journals vs. the 22,256 in Scopus
  3. We carefully weed out any predatory and non-peer-reviewed journals

(December 14, 2016 CiteScore: A Non-Rival for the Journal Impact Factor clarivate.com

  1. エルゼビア CiteScore 2017が利用可能です 逐次刊行物の被引用インパクトを評価する新しい基準であるCiteScore™はScopus上の22,600以上のタイトルで無料で見ることができます
  2. 新しいジャーナル評価指標CiteScore 2017年2月エルゼビア・ジャパン株式会社
  3. ISI Web of Science | Wikipedia audio article
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