
医学系の学術雑誌インパクトファクター 2018ランキング

生命科学全般はコチラ ⇒ インパクト・ファクター(IF)2017学術誌ランキング(2018年発表)




  1. NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine) ニューイングランドジャーナルオブメディシン IF=79.258 (bioxbio.com) “Our mission is to bring physicians the best research and information at the intersection of biomedical science and clinical practice” (About)
  2. THE LANCET (ランセット) IF=53.254 (bioxbio.com)
  3. JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association;米国医師会雑誌)  Impact Factor of 47.7 “an international peer-reviewed general medical journal”
  4. Nature Medicine IF=32.621 (bioxbio.com)
  5. EBioMedicine (Published by Lancet) has an Impact Factor of 6·183
  6. Medicine  Impact Factor: 2.028 “a fully open access journal, providing authors with a distinctive new service offering continuous publication of original research across a broad spectrum of medical scientific disciplines and sub-specialties” (About)
  7. Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI) Impact Factor: 13.25 (2017). “publishes basic and phase I/II clinical research submissions in all biomedical specialties, including Autoimmunity, Gastroenterology, Immunology, Metabolism, Nephrology, Neuroscience, Oncology, Pulmonology, Vascular Biology, and many others.” (About)
  8. Medicine (Baltimore)  2.028 (Wikipedia)
  9. Medicine (Elsevier)  “Elsevier’s Medicine is a continually updated, evidence-based learning resource for trainees.”
  10. JAMA Network Open “an international, peer-reviewed, open access, general medical journal that publishes research on clinical care, innovation in health care, health policy, and global health across all health disciplines and countries for clinicians, investigators, and policy makers.” (For Authors) “The journal started publishing in 2018.” (Wikipedia)
  11. JCI Insight Impact Factor (2017) N/A (Founded 2016) “a peer-reviewed journal published by the American Society for Clinical Investigation dedicated to well-executed preclinical and clinical research studies”
  12. Journal of Clinical Medicine(MDPI) Impact Factor: 5.583 (2017)

新谷 歩 『あなたの臨床研究応援しす』 

康永秀生『できる!臨床研究 最短攻略50の鉄則




  1. Lancet Oncology has an Impact Factor of 36·421 “covers topics that advance clinical practice, challenge the status quo, advocate change in health policy, and tackle issues related to global oncology.” (About)
  2. Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) JCO‘s Impact Factor is 26.303 (About)
  3. Cancer Discovery (AACR Journals) Impact Factor 24.373
  4. Cancer Cell (Cell Press) Impact factor (2017) 22.844 (Wikipedia)
  5. JAMA Oncology Impact Factor of 20.9 “journal for scientists, clinicians, and trainees in the field of oncology” (About)
  6. Clinical Cancer Research Impact factor (2017) 10.199 (Wikipedia)
  7. Cancer Research (AACR) Impact Factor 9.1301 (AACR Journals Metrics)
  8. Liver Cancer (Karger) Impact Factor 2016: 7.854
  9. International Journal of Cancer (IJC) (Wiley) Impact factor:7.36 
  10. Cancer (Wilely) Impact factor:6.537 
  11. British Journal of Cancer (nature.com) 2 Year Impact Factor: 5.922 “publishing significant advances in translational and clinical cancer research” (About)
  12. European Journal of Cancer (EJC) Impact factor (2014) 5.417 (Wikipedia) “integrates preclinical, translational, and clinical research in cancer, from epidemiology, carcinogenesis and biology through to innovations in cancer treatment and patient care” (Aims and Scope)
  13. Cancers (MDPI) Impact Factor: 5.326 (2017)
  14. Frontiers in Oncology Impact Factor 4.416
  15. Clinical Lung Cancer (Elsevier) Impact Factor: 4.204
  16. BMC Cancer  3.288 – 2-year Impact Factor
  17. Oncology Reports Impact Factor: 2.976
  18. International Journal of Clinical Oncology (Springer) 2017 Impact Factor 2.610
  19. Cancer Science (Wilely)



  1. Nature Immunology 2-year Impact Factor: 21.809 (About)
  2. Immunity (Cell Press) IF:19.734 (bioxbio.com)
  3. Science Immunology
  4. Frontiers in Immunology IMPACT FACTOR: 5.511
  5. Journal of Immunology   Impact factor:Two-year: 4.856 (2016 Journal Citation Reports)(About)
  6. Immunology (Wilely) Impact factor:3.358 



  1. Stem Cell Reports (Cell Press) Journal Impact Factor: 6.537
  2. Stem Cell Research (Elsevier) Impact Factor: 3.902 
  3. Cell Stem Cell (Cell Press) IF:23.290 (bioxbio.com)



  1. Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) IF:16.834 (bioxbio.com)
  2. Circulation (AHA/ASA Journals) IF:18.88 (AHA/ASA Journals Metrics)
  3. Heart (BMJ Journals) Impact Factor 5.420



  1. Diabetes Care(American Diabetes Association) Impact factor (2017) 13.397 (About)
  2. Diabetes (American Diabetes Association) Impact factor (2017) 7.273 (About)
  3. Journal of Diabetes Investigation (JDI)(Wilely) Impact factor:3.147 



  1. ブルージャーナル (AJRCCM; American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine) Impact Factor: 15.24   “publishes high-quality original papers, reviews, and clinical trials in respiratory, critical care, and sleep medicine to foster advances in translational research and clinical practice.” ” focuses on human biology and disease, as well as animal studies that contribute to the understanding of pathophysiology and treatment of diseases that affect the respiratory system and critically ill patients.” (About)



  1. THE LANCET Neurology has an Impact Factor of 27·144 (About)
  2. THE LANCET Psychiatry has an Impact Factor of 15·233 (About)
  3. Molecular Psychiatry (nature.com) 2017 Impact Factor 11.640 (About)
  4. Epilepsia (Wiley) Impact factor:5.067
  5. Journal of  Neurology (Springer) Impact Factor 3.743
  6. BMC Psychiatry   2.419 – 2-year Impact Factor
  7. World Neurosurgery (Elsevier) Impact Factor 2017: 1.924 
  8. Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience (Wilely) 日本神経学会の公式英文誌



  1. Clinical Case Reports (Wiley)
  2. BMJ Case Reports
  3. American Journal of Case Reports (AJCR)



  1. 日本の医学系学会英文誌、2018年6月発表 インパクトファクターのご案内 Wiley出版



  1. Medical Research Archives (MRA)(KEI Journals) “publishing research and clinical medicine” (About)

新谷 歩『今日から使える 医療統計

新谷 歩『みんなの医療統計 多変量解析編

原 正彦『実践対談編 臨床研究 英語論文 最速最短





  1. Anyone heard of the journal “Medical Research Archives”? Thoughts on it? Spam/predatory journal? 21:09 – 2015年10月21日


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