




ジョブ・トークは通常のプレゼンと全く違うということをまず認識すべきだ。時折全く練習せずにぶっつけ本番で臨む方や、論文に使われた図をそっくりそのままを使う方を見かけるが、自殺行為である。せっかく高倍率をくぐり抜けて面接まで辿り着いているのだから、万全の準備で臨みたい。ポイントは「研究の価値と将来性を専門家以外にもわかるように宣伝する」ことであり、私が当時受けたアドバイスは、「スライドを見ずにしゃべって、ピッタリ 45 分くらいで終われるようになるまで練習しろ」というものであった。 … ジョブ・トークもチョーク・トークも、その出来が結果に大きく影響することは間違いない。が、意外に侮れないのが個々のミーティングだ。英語でいうinter-personal skill(日本語では対人能力、雑談力とでも訳せばいいのだろうか)が問われる。私が受けたアドバイスは、個人面談が予定されている相手の研究内容は前もって概要を理解しておけ、可能であれば論文を読め、会話の途中で話題に事欠き両者揃って沈黙する時間を生み出さないようにせよ、というものであった。 … 心理的にヒトは自分に興味を持ってくれる相手には好感を持ちやすいからで、特に採用側の人間は全員、この先何十年と一緒に仕事をするかもしれない相手として、自分と会話をしていることを肝に銘じたい。(徒然独立日記 〜黎明編〜 小島 志保子 Department of Biological Sciences, Biocomplexity Institute, Virginia Tech PDF)*太字下線強調は当サイト





Tips for a Successful Job Talk  By Stephen J. Aguilar  January 10, 2018


Know your audience.  … Your talk should be accessible to everyone while still having enough methodological rigor to impress peers who use similar methods.


Know your data. …  you should know your data well, and know it in a way that is both deep (i.e., you can get into the nitty-gritty of the methods), and broad (i.e., you can tie your methods and findings to the broader conversations the field is having about your topic).

補足スライドを用意しておきなさい。 聴衆からの質問に答えるためのスライドを予め準備しておくことは、質問した人と同じことを考えていたことをアピールすることになります。

Make supplementary slides. it shows that you had similar thoughts as the person who asked the question.


Practice it. Practice it alone, practice it with your family, practice it with your peers, practice it with your adviser(s). 


Discuss implications. The implications section is the part of the presentation where you have to sell your ideas, approach or findings as novel and/or important. It is fine to really sell it here. Is the study the first that did X? Make sure to say so. 


Discuss future work. 


Answer the question that was asked. Remember, every question is an opportunity to demonstrate — or fail to demonstrate — competence. The way that you answer a question reveals if you have thought about your topic deeply or are capable of engaging with unfamiliar territory in a thoughtful way. Take the opportunity to communicate that you understood the reason the question was asked.




面接とジョブトークでいかに際立つか 心理学科長ら選考を行う側の人たちからの重要なアドバイス

How to stand out in your interview and job talk Vital advice from psychology chairs and others who make hiring decisions By Heather Stringer October 2017, Vol 48, No. 9

質問を持って来なさい。 ファカルティや選考委員会のメンバーに会うときは、学科の強みと弱み、ジュニアファカルティに何を期待しているのか、学科を将来的にどう変えたいと考えているのかについて質問しなさい。

Come with questions. … For faculty and search committee members, ask about the department’s strengths and weaknesses, what they are looking for in junior faculty and any changes they anticipate in the department in the future. 


Know your audience. Find out who will be attending your talk and tailor the presentation accordingly.



Build a rapport. “You need to communicate in a comfortable, accessible way, make direct connection with your audience through the use of humor, anecdotes or illustrations, and invite back-and-forth conversation, either throughout the talk or during special time reserved at the end.”

In the end, your objective is to make sure your audience enjoys themselves, Neimeyer says. “If they are laughing, talking, asking questions, or otherwise showing interest and involvement, then you can be sure they are viewing you and your work favorably.”


Practice, practice and practice. … Practice giving the job talk to colleagues, an advisor and other faculty, and ask for candid feedback. This will also allow you to prepare for the types of questions people will ask during the Q&A at the end of the talk. 





If there’s any one element of a successful job talk that stands out, it’s whether the presenter comes across as a problem solver. 


make sure the audience members understand the issues you were tackling and what your approaches were to solving those problems

あなたのジョブトークに欠かせないもう一つの重要な成分は自分の研究対象へのパッションです。… 同じように完璧なプレゼンをした二人の候補者のうちの一方が採用されたその違いは何だったのでしょうか?おそらくそれは、笑顔、聴衆とより多くアイコンタクトをとったこと、または、問題とその解決を述べたときのより多くの熱意だったのでしょう。

Another must-have element of your job talk is the passion that you demonstrate for your subject matter, …

What was different? Perhaps it was a smile, better eye contact with the audience, or a bit more enthusiasm about describing problems and solutions.

(引用元:To ace your job talk, you need to know your audience. sciencemag.org)




Philip Guo氏が自分のジョブハントの経験の一部始終を詳細に解説していますが(18ページPDF)、その中のジョブトークに関する部分(HTML)。

How to deliver a great academic job talk by Philip Guo 


Your job talk is your one-hour audition for the role of a professor. Think of it like a music or acting audition, except here professors are your judges. By the end of your hour on stage, you need to get the professors in the audience so excited about the research you’ve done, so inspired by your future research vision, and so energized by watching your performance that they will be proud to call you a colleague.


ジョブトークのやり方 ~通常の研究セミナーとジョブトークとの違い~


12/5/2013 “How To Give a Job Talk, and Why It’s Not the Same as a Research Talk” DukePostdocServices 2014/01/08 

5:27 [SLIDE] The Job Search Committee 
Most of the search committee don’t have a clue about your field
– Few know your boss
– Fe know your techniques
– None know your jargon
They have defined criteria to meet
– What technology you will anchor
– What project(s) you will serve on to start
– Waht headcount (人員) you will inherit
– What scientific resources you will need
– Whose former lab space you are getting

9:10 Did you think up the idea or you were just told to do it?
9:16 Did you collaborate?

9:44 As projects become bigger and more complicated, they need  collaboration with people amongst other people with a lot of different skill sets. So, you need to demonstrate during the couse of your talk that you collaborated with other people to get the work done.
10:37 Are you a good thinker? 

11:30 Before you go, you need to practice what you are going to do.

12:13 The talk that you are going to give for the job need to be needs to be understandable by a reasonablly well-educated scientist, not just the specialist.

12:55 Practice your delivery. 

15:14 Preparing slides. 
15:55 You want to spoon-feed this in a linear intelectually relevant squence.

19:55 [SLIDE] Before You Go Reviewing the Data You’ll Present

27:20 [SLIDE] The Job Seminar: Organization and Grammar First 10 MINUTES MIDDLE 30 MINUTES LAST 5 MINUTES

36:10 [SLIDE] The Search Committee will be asking themselves “Can this person….”

  • Complete in science in your chosens field
  • Anchor a key technology and/or run a core facility
  • Teach a required course
  • Write/think/plan/self-promote well enough to become fully funded from external sources within a couple of years and stay that way?

56:38 [SLIDE] Do’s and Don’t




  • 聴衆はあなたのトーク内容を理解しなければならない
  • 聴衆はあなたのトークに感動しなければならない
  • 聴衆があなたのことを気に入って一緒にいたいと思わせなければならない

“Your packet got you the interview. Your job talk gets you the job.” 

Your job talk is unlike any talk you have given so far:

  • The audience must understand it.
  • The audience must be excited by it.
  • The audience must like you enough to want you to hang around for at least six years afterward.

 (引用元:A good academic job talk http://matt.might.net/articles/advice-for-academic-job-hunt/)



  1. The Academic Job Search and the Campus Visit (YOUTUBE 25:22)EducationatIowa 2012/04/20 に公開 Dr. Will Ming Liu talks with Will Coghill-Behrends about the campus visit and the campus interview.
  2. Ace the Academic Job Talk (Office of Graduate Studies GRADUATE CONNECTIONS, University of NEbraska-Lincoln)
  3. Keys to a Successful Job Talk. Guy A. Boysen, Ciara Jones, Rachel Kaltwasser, May 30, 2018 Teaching of Psychology https://doi.org/10.1177/0098628318779277 (要旨閲覧無料)”However, significant differences between institutions showed that baccalaureate institutions emphasize teaching skills during job talks and doctoral institutions emphasize research skills.”
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