
イタリア美女コンテスト(Miss Italia 2018)で義足のキアラ・ボルディ(Chiara Bordi)さんが3位に

イタリア美女コンテスト(Miss Italia 2018)の決勝進出を決めた義足のキアラ・ボルディ(Chiara Bordi)さんは、足がないから選ばれただけだという誹謗中傷を受けていたそうです。決勝大会においてボルディさんは3位に入賞しました。キアラ・ボルディさんはモデルの仕事をしているそうです。


Miss Italia 2018 Top 3 Announcement

ミスイタリア2018で3位に入ったキアラ・ボルディ(Chiara Bordi)さんのインスタグラム報告

(https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn4Lq97hMzm/ イタリア語→英語 グーグル翻訳)
My path to @missitalia ends with a beautiful third place and I could not be happier than that! To say it was a fantastic experience I think it was obvious, I did not expect all this satisfaction that, after all the effort, fatigue, fatigue I think is also normal behind yesterday’s live there is so much work and so many people and I feel like thanking each one of them. Hostesses, photographers, organizers, make-up artists, hairdressers, tailors, choreographers, (and so on and so forth) everyone who puts their own and everyone who undergo the stress that often this environment can bring but that, in the end, from many satisfactions. And then I can not but thank the other 32 finalists, I got to know characters, personalities, different stories that come from all parts of Italy and I am attached to each of them in a unique way. Despite everything there has always been a joyful atmosphere and, in the end, I can say that I really found myself in a second family. What can I say, I have waited so long to go home and now that it is approaching, now that is the time of greetings I grow a knot in my throat and yes, I will miss all this. I can say that I feel changed, I feel stronger, more confident. I have always said that “I hoped” that my message would reach as many people as possible, today, the day after the final, I feel really good about myself because I have really put it all, and all this is repaid by all the messages that I have received, from all the support (and I thank you so much because you have always given me one more reason not to throw me down), from all the people who greeted me saying “I will always carry you in the heart”. There is nothing that makes me happier, there is no more beautiful victory!
THANK YOU for letting me experience all this, it will always be one of the best memories to take with me.



【9月18日 AFP】イタリアのミスコンテスト「ミス・イタリア(Miss Italy)」で、ソーシャルメディア上で激しい中傷を浴びていた義足の女性が18日、ファイナリストとして決勝大会に出場した。 ファイナリスト3人のうちの1人に選ばれたキアラ・ボルディ(Chiara Bordi)さん(18)は、13歳の時に交通事故で脚を失った。 だが決勝大会前の数日間、ボルディさんを中傷する人々と応援する人々の間では言い争いが続いていた。 決勝大会に進出できたのは「単に体が不自由だから」との中傷を受けたボルディさんはフェイスブック(Facebook)に、「私には脚がない。けれどあなたたちは心と頭を失っている」と投稿。(義足の女性がミス・イタリア決勝大会に進出、激しい中傷浴びる中 AFP BB NEWS 2018年9月18日 23:27)

  1. Model who lost her leg in a moped accident when she was just 13 comes THIRD in Miss Italy finals – despite online trolls saying she was only in the competition because she’s ‘crippled’ (Mail Online By EMILY CHAN FOR MAIL ONLINE PUBLISHED: 15:44 BST, 18 September 2018 | UPDATED: 19:01 BST, 18 September 2018)
  2. A Prosthetic Leg & Insults Didn’t Stop This Italian Teen From Being A Beauty Pageant Finalist ( KC Archana India Times Updated: September 19, 2018)
  3. Handicap, Insults Don’t Deter This Italian Beauty From Being A Finalist   Chiara Bordi, lost her leg in a bike accident when she was 13, was chosen as one of three finalists of Miss Italy 2018
    (NDTV Updated: September 19, 2018 04:10 IST )



Miss Italia 2018 La Finale 17-09-2018 19-20 Parte 1

Miss Italia 2018 – La Finale 17-09-2018 21-15 Parte 2. Vince Carlotta Maggiorana


キアラ・ボルディ(Chiara Bordi)さん

キアラ・ボルディ(Chiara Bordi)さんのインタビュー動画

Teen Model Slays In Crystal Prosthetic Leg | SHAKE MY BEAUTY

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