

一昔前までは、DNAコンストラクションと言えば、同じ制限酵素で切断したDNA断片(あるいは異なる制限酵素であっても切り口が同一の断片)を、DNAリガーゼで結合させるというのが一般的でした。そのため、DNAコンストラクションを考えるときには、どんな制限酵素が使えるかというのは大問題だったわけです。しかし、テクノロジーの進歩により時代はすっかり様変わりしました。ギブソンアセンブリー(Gibson Assembly (Gibson et al., 2009 Nat Methods))、NEBuilder、 In-Fusion, GeneArtなど、短いホモロジーをもつDNA断片をひとつにする方法が相次いで開発され、手軽に使えるキットが市場に出回った結果、DNAのコンストラクトを作成するときに制限酵素サイトが不要になったからです。





各メーカーからいくつかのキットが発売されており、一般的に使われていますが、制限酵素サイトで悩む必要がないということをわかりやすく伝える動画(2010年)をまずは見てみましょう。ギブソンアセンブリー(Gibson Assembly) の原理が歌に乗せて説明されています。

The Gibson Assembly Song

Gibson Assembly システム (ギブソン・アッセンブリー・システム)

  1. 末端に15塩基の相同配列があるDNA断片とGibson Assemblyマスターミックスを混合し、15-60分間インキュベーションするだけ
  2. 複数断片を一括してクローニングすることが可能
  3. 10kbのインサートでも94%の高いクローニング効率
    (引用元:NEB https://www.nebj.jp/f/541

We describe an isothermal, single-reaction method for assembling multiple overlapping DNA molecules by the concerted action of a 5′ exonuclease, a DNA polymerase and a DNA ligase. First we recessed DNA fragments, yielding single-stranded DNA overhangs that specifically annealed, and then covalently joined them. This assembly method can be used to seamlessly construct synthetic and natural genes, genetic pathways and entire genomes, and could be a useful molecular engineering tool. (Gibson et al., Enzymatic assembly of DNA molecules up to several hundred kilobases. Nature Methods volume 6, pages 343–345 (2009) doi:10.1038/nmeth.1318)

  1. NEW ENGLAND BioLabs (NEB) 製品情報 Gibson Assembly Master Mix カタログ番号:E2611S 、サイズ:10 reactions、価格:¥18,000
  2. Gibbson Assembly (NEB)
  3. Daniel G Gibson, Lei Young, Ray-Yuan Chuang, J Craig Venter, Clyde A Hutchison III & Hamilton O Smith. Enzymatic assembly of DNA molecules up to several hundred kilobases. Nature Methods volume 6, pages 343–345 (2009) doi:10.1038/nmeth.1318
  4. I’m having a lot of troubles with this reaction. Supposedly, it’s pretty quick and easy… but I’ve been working in this construction for months. (Asked 5 years ago
    Gabriela Chavez-Calvillo, ResearchGate)
  5. I recently Gibsoned a 9kb insert into a 5kb vector at a 1:1 molar ratio.(Christopher Duran, Colorado State University, 5 years ago ResearchGate)
  6. Gibson Assembly – Science topic ResearchGate


NEBuilder HiFi DNA アッセンブリー

Gibson AssemblyのキットはNEBから発売されていますが、NEBは今は同様の原理に基づく「NEBuilder HiFi DNA アッセンブリー」という製品を推奨しているようです。

NEBuilder HiFi DNA Assembly Cloning Kit

  1. Gibson Assemblyより正確かつ高効率
  2. 末端に 15 塩基の相同配列がある DNA 断片とマスターミックスを混合し、15 – 60 分間インキュベーションするだけ
    (引用元:NEB https://www.nebj.jp/products/detail/1941
  1. NEW ENGLAND BioLabs (NEB) 製品情報 NEBuilder HiFi DNA アッセンブリー 製品名:NEBuilder HiFi DNA Assembly Master Mix, 製品番号:E2621S, 容量:10 reactions, 希望小売価格:¥18,000
  2. Gibson Assembly® Cloning Kit: Have you tried NEBuilder HiFi DNA Assembly? NEBuilder HiFi offers several advantages over NEB Gibson Assembly. For more information, visit NEBuilderHiFi.com.
  3. NEBuilder® HiFi DNA Assembly (New England BIoLabs; NEB)
  4. Introduction to NEBuilder HiFi DNA Assembly




an In-Fusion™ enzyme reaction can join any two pieces of DNA that have 15 bp of identity at their ends. … The In-Fusion mechanism is ligation-independent and while proprietary, likely uses the unique properties of the 3′–5′ exonuclease activity of poxvirus DNA polymerase. When incubated with linear duplex DNAs with homologous ends in the presence of Mg2+ and low concentrations of dNTP, the 3′–5′ proofreading activity of poxvirus DNA polymerase progressively removes nucleotides from the 3′ end. This exposes complementary regions on substrate DNAs that can then spontaneously anneal through base pairing, resulting in joined molecules containing a hybrid region flanked by nicks, 1–5 nucleotide gaps, or short overhangs. The annealed structures are metastable because the poxvirus DNA polymerase has a lower affinity for nicked or gapped DNA ends than for duplex ends. Introduction into Escherichia coli repairs any single-stranded gaps. (Zhu et al., BioTechniques, Vol. 43, No. 3, September 2007, pp. 354–359)

  1. In-Fusion® HD Cloning Kit (Clontech / Takara) (商品と価格の一覧、製品説明など)
  2. In-Fusionクローニングのススメ 2nd Edition (タカラバイオ PDF) 多くのユーザー様にご愛用いただいているIn-Fusion®ですが、知ってるけれど使ったことはないという方も
  3. すでにIn-Fusionをお使いのユーザー様からお寄せいただいた「使ってよかった!」のユーザーズボイスをご紹介(Takara)
  4. Design Genes with Ease Using In-Fusion Cloning (Clontech)


GeneArt DNA Assembly

GeneArt® DNA Assembly – Meet the Inventor Series

  1. GeneArt® シームレスクローニングおよびアセンブリキット (ThermoFisher SCIENTIFIC) 製品番号(カタログ番号) :A13288, 容量:20 reactions,標準価格: (JPY)54,600



we developed a new restriction site independent cloning method that does not leave any unwanted sequences at the junction sites (seamless) and is based on in vitro recombination between short regions of homologies (15–52 bp) in bacterial cell extracts termed SLiCE (Seamless Ligation Cloning Extract). (Zhang, Werling and Edelmann. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Apr; 40(8): e55. Published online 2012 Jan 11. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkr1288)

  1. SLiCE from Escherichia coli laboratory strains(本橋研究室):seamless cloningに関連する試薬は、Gibson assembly kitやIn-Fusion kitなどの名称で様々なメーカーから商品化されていますが、その多くが高価で、資金の乏しい研究室では購入を躊躇しているかもしれません。そのような方に、ぜひ試していただきたいのがこのSLiCE法です。



iVEC大腸菌株(AQ3625株)は、PCR増幅した挿入DNA断片とベクターDNAを同時にトランスフォームするだけでシームレスクローニングができるという大腸菌株です。ナショナルバイオリソース – 大腸菌(仁木研)(Facebook 太字強調は当サイト)


Cold Fusion

Homologous DNA ends are efficiently fused together and produce vector clones with great accuracy. (Cold Fusion Cloning Kit with Competent Cells. How It Works. SBI System Biosciences))

  1. フナコシ試薬商品紹介サイト メーカー :SBI 商品コード:MC010A-1 商品名:Cold Fusion Cloning Kit (10reactions) 包装:1kit 価格:\44,000





ギブソンアッセンブリー、In fusion、Gene artなど制限酵素処理なしで相同配列を利用してDNAを繋げる方法でPCR産物をベクターにクローニングする場合、試薬会社から購入できるものの中で使用感が良いものはどれでしょうか?(BioTechnicalフォーラム 2015/12/02

1) gibson leaves no nick on the product, while infusion does.
2) gibson is more robust, it tolerate 3´- & 5´-end mismatch, while infusion doesn’t. … most false positive colonies i got when using gibson were actually caused by primer dimer or unspecific pcr products (they have the same overlap ends as the designed products)
3) there is ligase in gibson. so if you use only one restriction enzyme to linearize your plasmid backbone and use it in the assembly. The ligase may repair the backbone back to empty plasmid.

(Xinglin Jiang, Technical University of Denmark. What‘s the differences between the gibson assembly(NEB) and in-fusion clone(clontech)? ResearchGate)

A major limitation to SLIC/Gibson/CPEC/SLiCE assembly is that the termini of the DNA sequence fragments to be assembled should not have stable single stranded DNA secondary structure, such as a hairpin or a stem loop (as might be anticipated to occur within a terminator sequence), as this would directly compete with the required single-stranded annealing/priming of neighboring assembly fragments. (The SLIC, Gibson, CPEC and SLiCE assembly methods (and GeneArt® Seamless, In-Fusion® Cloning. j5.jbei.org)










Over the past decade, scientists have developed and fine tuned many different ways to clone DNA fragments which have provided appealing alternatives to restriction enzyme cloning. These newer technologies have become more and more common, and for good reason. They offer many advantages over the traditional restriction enzyme cloning we once relied exclusively on. (Addgene’s Blog. Posted by Brook Pyhtila on Mar 1, 2016 太字強調当サイト)

It’s been more than four decades since researchers launched the molecular-biology revolution with the invention of DNA cloning. In that time, the tools of the trade have changed relatively little, and for many researchers, DNA cloning still means restriction enzyme digestion and DNA ligation. … Today, thanks largely to the needs and creativity of the synthetic-biology community, alternative, “seamless” cloning strategies have been developed. Here are some of the more popular options. (Say Goodbye to Genetic Scars with These Seamless Cloning Kits
Posted: May 29, 2014 Jeffrey M. Perkel 太字強調は当サイト)



  1. Gap-Repair Cloning:GRCがinvitrogenからkit化されて発売されています。GeneArt?® Seamless Cloning & Assemblyという名前です。酵母のコンピテントセルやトランスフォーメーション試薬、大腸菌のコンピテントセル等もすべて含まれたキットです HM’s Home page
  2. 相同組換え方法およびクローニング方法並びにキット Inventor 正治 磯部 信幸 黒澤 Original Assignee 国立大学法人富山大学 Priority date 2008-03-07
  3. Homologous recombination-based DNA cloning compositions. US8501454B2 Inventor:Weiqiang Liu, Ping Yang, Tao Wang, Zhuying Wang, Wenzhu Chen, Fang Liang Zhang, Original Assignee:Nanjingjinsirui Science and Tech Biology Corp, Priority date 2008-09-10
  4. Cloning Without Restriction (TheScientist September 12, 2005) Key to Invitrogen’s Gateway technology is the “entry clone,” which contains a fragment of interest in a recombinase-ready plasmid. Researchers can quickly and efficiently move between expression systems without subcloning by swapping the insert from vector to vector.
  5. 2003-08-28 US20030162265A1
  6. まだ東京で消耗してるの?  イケダハヤト著 幻冬舎 2016年
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